Comp is just a gamble

This current comp system is soooo broken! Like every game I play it’s just a gamble of whether my teams made up of better or worse players than the other there’s no matching at all! It’s just pot luck if you win or not. Can we just get the new comp rework now cuz I’m actually starting to loose motivation for this game :frowning:


If you glanced at the blizzcon overwatch panel of “what’s next”, you might have realized that the comp system is getting an update/facelift in season 9.

This includes new initial placements to hopefully help out people who feel that they are “stuck” in certain ranks.
We don’t know if it helps with matchmaking in the long run, but i hope it will.

it is still one season after this one.

They are going to introduce new interface, and thats it, same logic behind the scenes.

How is it even possible to play comp now, when no matter what you do you going to either de-rank or stay the same rank.

I had a 5 - 5 - 0, i de-ranked, 5 - 4 - 1 (w - l - t), i de-ranked, now i did 5 - 3 - 0 and stayed the same rank. I am constantly 6 to 1 in terms of the KD ratio at the end of the game, most of the time i do more damage than real DPS do (i play Sombra), i interrupt 90% of ults during the match, and still.

This system will always be flawed as they allow for a huge rank difference at the lower levels.

The ranked matches should only consist of people of the same rank.
If there are not that many available at the time, ONLY THEN start to look for a lower / higher rank to team up with.

There is no fun in playing the game in the current state, as it seems that there is some logic in place to team you up with people who are known to be bad (on a loose streak) while you are deemed to be a “good” player (on a win streak).

4 - 0 - 0, tight games, but i got there. Then all of the sudden 3 games in a row - tank who has no idea what is going on and just W solo into a fight and support who said it is their second competitive match.

Since the beginning of this season (40 days now?) i am staying on the same rank, no matter what i do, de-ranked in a first week and now holding solid ground on the exact same rank.

P.S. The discrepancy of the matchups is real, just decided to add this before i will hear something along the lines - “game always puts you up against people with the same ranks”. I am Gold 2 DPS, for 2 seasons now, whenever match starts it is never below Gold 2, usually alongside Plat 3 to Plat 1, and if i am that bad that i cannot rank up, why it still (i dont see another explanation) takes into account my win streaks and performance just to throw me against people who are not even in the same league?

P.P.S. Someone was saying that it is not enough to just healbot on the supports (Plat 5), you need to do damage aswell and have a decent number of assists for the game to decide to promote you, the hell you need to do on the DPS? On a tank - simple, just push (Diamond 3), while playing tank even with 5 - 4 - 0 i rank up.

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Which just goes to show that their Matchmaker is broken.
They should base it on SR only, and match the SRs for the Tank role, for the DPS roles, and the Support roles.

None of this SR for rank, and MMR for placement into the matches - it does not work.

They’re so clueless it hurts :smiley: Their incompetence throughout the launch of OW2 and going into what will be Season 9 for them to just revert many of their changes shows this. It’s took them all this time to realise that their ideas, and their concepts, do not work.


I agree to a certain extent.
If you’re solo queued vs a stack, then their rank should be lower than yours given that more than likely you’ll be in a muted lobby (as no one comms in OW2 anymore unfortunately). Likewise if they have 2v2v1 stack and you’re ina 2v1v1v1 stack, then the one with more solos should have the rank advantage overall to cater for the difference.

I had a huge difference in one my games. It was more than five divisions difference on the tank, and by the performance you could clearly see it. I’ve reported it, supplied the code, but Blizzard have not investigated it.

They’re workshy/clueless/incompetent.
No wonder this game is in a terrible state. The negative reviews show it.

It’s absolutely unplayable, sitting at a 27 loss and 11 wins. For those haters, i actually try to win and teamplay but this is unbearable. Man did this game lose its prime days… i hope the next system will improve it or bye-bye.


The team did say something about groups only queueing against other groups.

So hopefully that’ll work and there will be solo only queue.

(I also kinda agree that a certain rank should only go against a certain rank, with maybe a 1 tier up or down. So a gold 2 would only be matched against gold 1,2 and 3’s.
That would allow for quicker climbing or deranking and the system would stabilize itself hopefully.
This could have a lot of holes in it though, and definitely not work perfectly)

problem is that in every elo are smurf playing on lower accs beeing way higher elo or pocketing, boosting ect…

Smurfs will always be around. In regards to pocketing, that’s why I said grouped teams vs solo queues should be at a rank disadvantage to at least even up the competition between the two teams.

More than likely though, the MMR calculation is mediocré and probably doesn’t include many factors which is why we see massively one sided matches. Something you didn’t see at all often in OW.

@Hieiko agreed, that is what i was going towards, maybe if you a Gold 2, search for players from Gold 1 + Gold 2 + Gold 3, BUT, if there are not enough players - show a message which goes something like “There are not enough players in your bracket, would you like to expand the search? NOTE: you might be grouped with people of a higher / lower rank”

@Toji that is indeed a problem, solution is pretty simple - fingerprint the PC user is playing on, this will even help the anticheat to ban whoever is playing on a new account on the same PC. And if you are smurfing, get ready to go exactly where your main account is.

@bubbleshoot solo queue should solve the issue, and i will refrain from going into any type of groups as it seems like with the season 9 even Diamond will be able to play with Bronze, so, you never know who is on your team (people like to keep their profiles closed for some reason)

I’ve played 300 games in this season. And I’m still diamond5-plat1. My win percentage is about 50% (155 wins and 145 loses). Yesterday I played for 8 hours. Three times I got 5-4 or 5-5. No matter what I do, after win streak, there always will be game with poor teammates or leavers. ALWAYS. I don’t remember last time when I got at least 5-2. Three hundred games with 50% is insane.

Just to throw it out there (i guess we knew it already, but here it comes), question and response from GPT4.


Hey, i have a question about probability. Lets take Overwatch 2 game as an example. What is the probability of person playing in Competitive matches to have a 50 to 55 percent win rate at all times? What i mean is how common it is to win 3 games in a row only to loose 2 games in a row, then win one, loose 2 and win one? (assuming the system has no input or bias in this situation)


To calculate the probability of a specific pattern of wins and losses in a game like Overwatch 2, where each match is assumed to be independent and the probability of winning any individual match is 50%, we use the principles of probability theory. The sequence you’ve described is: Win-Win-Win-Lose-Lose-Win-Lose-Lose-Win.

In probability theory, when events are independent (meaning the outcome of one event does not affect the outcomes of others), the probability of a sequence of events happening in a specific order is the product of the probabilities of each of those events. Since each match has two outcomes (win or lose) with equal likelihood, the probability of winning or losing any individual match is (1 / 2) or 50%.

The sequence you’ve given has 5 wins and 4 losses. The probability of this exact sequence occurring, with wins and losses in the specified order, is calculated by multiplying the probability of each match outcome:

P(WWWLLWLWL) = (1/2)^9

This is because there are 9 matches, and each match has a probability of
1 / 2.

Let’s calculate this probability.

The probability of experiencing the exact sequence of win-win-win-lose-lose-win-lose-lose-win in Overwatch 2 competitive matches, assuming each match’s outcome is independent and equally likely, is approximately 0.195%. This is quite low, reflecting the specificity of the sequence.

However, it’s important to note that this calculation assumes a perfectly balanced matchmaking system with no biases. In reality, competitive games often have matchmaking algorithms designed to keep players around a 50% win rate, but the specific patterns of wins and losses can vary greatly depending on numerous factors like player skill, team composition, and in-game dynamics.​

So as you can see, it is not you, it is matchmaking system who is balancing you around 50% win rate.

Why did i choose 9 matches? Because thats what you usually get when playing the game, sometimes you really go 5 - 9 - 0, but those are some really odd cases, only had it once in two seasons, usually it is either 5 - 5 - 0, or 5 - ( 2 to 4 ) - 0 (ties are really rare).

And yet again, the SR system took into the account (while adding or deducting points) your performance to some degree, the base value was always the same, then you will get or loose points based on how well you did. This system is just a swing, or as many people already said - gamble, dare i say coin flip.

P.S. Explanation about the fingerprinting

Just to clarify about fingerprinting, as nowadays this considered to be quite intrusive procedure. Steam for example takes a snapshot of your hardware to generate data for the most popular components, yes, they do it somewhat anonymously, BUT, already have our First and Last names, they know details of our cards we use to pay for the services, simple snapshot of the CPU + MOBO S/N + RAM + GPU + SYSTEM DRIVE MODEL will let them have some understanding on what is going on and who is playing.

This will allow them to have a unique identifier for a player, which in turn can then be matched up against other accounts with the same identifier.

The reason to do this:

  1. There will be no more smurfs (this game is F2P, i imagine smurfs numbers are through the roof now even more than before) - what i mean is, no matter what Rank your account now, it will be matched up to the account with the highest Rank, so there will be no need for a second account.
  2. There will be less cheaters (you will get banned no matter which account you use, your only option to cheat again and evade insta-ban is to change your hardware)

P.P.S. Just a side note, they should ignore the “private profile” option whenever you play in competitive matches, you can have it in the quick play, so others cannot see your profile, but as soon as you join the competitive match, i should be able to check and see your profile even if it is set to private.

I bet most of us are @ roughly 50% W/L

P.P.S. As someone said in the other thread on the forum, as soon as you are placed after the placement matches, Blizzard consider this to be your real rank you born with, so no matter what you do, you cannot rank up, as this rank is all you are good for.

In regards to “but look at a STREAMER_NAME, they have no problem going for the GM”, well, yes, they do it on a new account (which they most probably buy, the one with 50 QP wins, but never stepped foot in comp), they do 5 placements which they just plow through due to their “skill” level (and dont get me wrong, they really do have skill, but in quotes here as they are playing against people with no skill at this point) and get placed somewhere in Diamond or Masters, then yet again, they have a good 3 to 4 games on a win stream (system is still not yet adapted to their playstyle) and they might have a couple of losses, that still yields a rankup for them.

As for others, you placed in gold, you stay in gold, you might even get to plat, but be sure as hell you will be back in gold in no time, unless, there is a smurf who is placing at the same moment as you play and system cannot really decide whether they should be playing with you or not and just goes - YOLO, you two are in the same team now, ill deal with it after this game.

I believe this to be false.
You don’t climb by grinding in this game, these are not level ups based on play time.

You actually have to improve.

I placed in silver 5 in my initial placements in season 1.
My all time high was plat 4.
I haven’t been to comp since season 3, but i don’t think i would fall much since several people in my matches have diamond titles.

Just wanted to share some info, played game for an hour, and what do we have here -

4 wins in a row, and then 4 losses in a row.

Problem is: when it was 6 v 6, at least if one tank is bad, other was just fine, now, if you end up with a tank who is afraid of pushing and really likes to stand behind corners waiting for a DPS to distract other team, you end up in a spiral of loss…

Not even competitive, but the exact same story

Right. You won some, then you lost some. Happens. It was QP, so the comps and synergies would have been a cluster no matter 5v5, 6v6, 10v10. wouldn’t of made a difference.

I mean, here is comp.

First game was fast and easy, second one long and borderline a loss, and then 2 games in a row rolled to hell.

This game is proactively trying to balance you, so it is not about skill anymore (or playing with people of similar rank), it is about balancing whoever is playing to the 50 / 50 win rate.

No it isn’t. You just won 2 then lost 2, one in a completely different session. There is no forcing of winrates. That would be mental.