Comp is not fun, smurfs only!

This game is literally every game smurfs only, its not fun anymore to play comp. Like if enemies have one or more smurfs you can still win somehow, but if smurf is good sniper, he carries the game. I was climbing DPS last season and now two last placements matches it was hell, no chance so I have minus 100sr. Plus happy when you win the game and don´t get any SR. I´m high diamond.

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Why do you think smurfs are smurfing?

I can think of 2 reasons:

  1. Avoiding high queue times in their rankings
  2. For pure fun

If you have more please do let me know.

I cannot directly say that the person in question has thrown to get into Diamond whilst he is actually a higher ranking.

Because these rankings are similar, not close but it’s something related of course. The chance is high that people get misplaced.

If this would be a case of an actual smurf, how would we fix this issue.

What can we do to counter this?

to avoid hero pools is another reason i can think of


surfs are a problem definitely, however I think that sometimes people are too quick to class someone as a smurf. I only just got into pc overwatch and im mid prestige one, nearly masters, and every game I get flamed by the other team for surfing even though im really not. but how do you stop surfs, they are literally spending money to be in low ranks its basically impossible.

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They see me surfing they hate it.

Smurfing is done to make sure the pool of new players coming into the comp scene is as diluted as possible giving them less competition long term, It’s all to make sure the same crowd are the only ones on top, So ruining the game for others is the best way they do it, This is why Esports die after a while, The ones who already make it can’t stand to see others get on their level, basically it all comes down to Ego.

It is irrelevant the reasons they do it.

Blizzard (and other companies) messed up when they allow someone to have multiple accounts participating in a so-called competitive system.

All accounts should require some form of 2-step verification to participate. This isn’;t impossible to by-pass, but will make it a lot more effort.

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