first of all - I’m not an Overwatch pro, I stucked in mid silver and only once was in gold. For me OW is great option to fight with other players with skills close to mine. I like to win, but when I lose because of lack of my skills, I accept that and try to be better.
Recently, I lost my desire to play OW and become better player. I play comp mostly and try to fill, so most of the time I play as a supp or a tank. I’m just tired of games matchmaking, which put me with Hanzo instapicks, Widow with 3 kills per game and suicide-Reapers, who just keep jumping in enemy team alone. Sometimes I have couple wins in a row and I think “oh, this is great”, but then I lose 10 matches and in every game I’m having leaver or players, that just don’t want to switch to a better role.
I really appreciate the fact, that Blizzard added “blocking players feature”, so I use it all the time. But it’s not working. I block the player - I play with him in a next game and - of course - lose, because I blocked him due to his lack of skills or being toxic.
I think that comps are not fun in these days. Blizzard says, that he “listens to the voice of the community”, but community bought their game and want to play all the time, no matter of how many games would be ruined.
I know, that my solution to this problem could be taken as hardcore option, but I always play QP to get some fun and comp to feel a rivalry. So this is my proposition:
Leavers / AFK in comp should’ve been punished with 24-hour ban, not only 10 minutes. Someone who didn’t check his ping or just alt+f4 game when he was losing should not be able to ruin other games.
Algorithm should count numbers of reports for particular player and ban above certain value (f.e. if someone have 10 reports in one hour, for sure something is wrong with this player)
If player was blocked by the other player, he should be blocked forever. It shouldn’t be “a tip” for matchmaking, but rule. I think it could be great if in community menu Blizzard add “blocked players” menu, so in case of really long matchmaking player could unblock some of the players.
What are you guys thinking about that? I just want to know, that competitive matches are competitive and just.
The problem is Blizzard has no way of identifying between a genuine disconnect leave vs a purposely left game. Which is why making the punishment too harsh can effect the accidental leaves because of an Internet problem a big pain. It would in-fact get these players to stop all together.
In order to solve the leaver problem, I been having discussions about a different mechanism whereby you Freeze players on the team with more players instead here.
I think that “accidental leave” and “purposely leave” should be treated the same. It’s easy to check your ping and internet connection before you start the game, so you can be almost sure, that nothing wrong happen during the match. And by “leavers” I mean people, who disconnected and didn’t return, not truly accidental leaver, who jump back to the game 30 second later. I have not stable internet connection too, so - because I don;t want to ruin others game - I always check my status before I start comp. More - I think, that players who disconnected twice in one game should be treaten as a “pureposely leavers”.
I’m sorry, but your idea about freezing a player in enemy team don’t convince me. It punished innocent player. Imagine that you’re playing and thinking “oh, I don;t play great in this match, but my team is doing good, but I’ll try my best” and out-of-nowhere you get a message “sorry, you’re frozed 'cause enemy team has a leaver - you’re the weakest so you can wait or leave”
But sometimes you get kicked out of the blue without you being able to know that it could happen. Hell, even battlenet kicked me a few times and my internet was working fine.
Treating accidental leavers and purpose leavers would be ridiculous because I have been in game and suddenly I freeze and I’m out the game but I then realise I lost connection and there is no wifi for a minute or two so I come back and yes I might receive a penalty but I would be fuming if I came back to a day ban because I only really play comp.
I have to disagree. Sometimes when I play Overwatch I get an issue where my Graphics card disconnects. (This isn’t the monitor going black its Overwatch throwing a message and closing the game). I have contacted support and they have no clue as to what is going on and I have followed all of their troubleshooting steps. So these penalties would rather hurt me as I player because I cannot control this issue and nor can Blizzard. You could argue that I shouldn’t play competitive because of this but it happens so randomly that you could have an entire week of nothing then it suddenly crops up.
But I think that your rank should not be affected if someone leaves. (At least for the team with the leaver). Overwatch bases your rank on team efforts and if someone is to leave; is that really a fair team fight? No, not really as you could never fill out for that role. I feel as though the way you are ranked needs changing, not the punishments or the heroes. I see people play DPS as it is an easy way for them to increase their elo and some of these players (maybe a small amount) have this mindset where they do not need to work as a team and this is what causes an entire team to fail.
There are but also aren’t many ways for Blizzard to fix their competitive and with every change, it could ruin or fix a season. However I do agree that something needs to be done in order to fix this current season. (AND NOT JUST FOR THE OVERWATCH LEAGUE! FOR EVERYONE)
Leavesr do get bans more than 10 min, if you have a lot of connection problems the ban increases, this all automated, so the next amount is 30 min after 10 if I remember correctly
There is something similar in place for auto bans, but not all reports are justified, u get a 4 stack who group report people because they didn’t like the pick, that’s just poor sportsmanship
What I do agree with is having an infinite block play with list, lets be honest we all have different playing styles and you just cant please everyone, what you might think is someone throwing is actually someone who is not that great at the game trying their best, remember we are playing mostly PUG’s so if you hate the people you play with then play with friends. Infinite block lists It will mean you will need to wait much longer for a game but you will be happier.