Comp matchmaking

I’m silver 2 and just got into a game with enemy who is master 5. I asked my teammates what their rank is and one of them was bronze 4 and the other one didnt have rank yet.

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Were they that rank on the role they were playing?

That’s a massive tier difference.

I’ve seen a 6 tier difference between tanks before - I’ve got that pinned in case Blizzard wanted to review it. Hopefully it is a rare issue, but with the number of hidden profiles, it can be hard to detect.

I just played a game with average rate as Bronze 3, with one player Gold 4 , one player silver 5, one player diamond , one player Bronze 1.

The game is barely playable due to huge rank difference.

It looks as:
If a gold player was in lose stream, his mmr would drop much quicker than his sr. bring him to bronze level.
If a bronze player was in win stream, his mmr would bring him directly into gold or top sliver.

Then they are put into same game, and ruin experience on both sides.

SR ranking displayed is a joke and not reflecting mmr change.
This is an old topic. But the ranking system really did a $*hit job about player feeling.
It’s aiming is to give you the actual rank after probably 100 ranked game, regardless how your 100 game will cause disaster in the progress and piss off around 600 players.

The developer team just do not give a $*hit.