Competitive ban

I have been banned from competitive matches due to my ps5 keep overheating and turning off forcing me to leave the game. I want to be unbanned.

Whilst it is not your fault, if your playstation keeps overheating and shutting down, you have been banned as this is a regular occurance. Now is this fair for your teammates, now in a 4v5. Simply put it is not fair.
Until your playstation fixes or you go to a more stable device stay away from comp for your teammates sake. Stay with quickplay, an equally fun mode, except with no ranks, which isnt super important. It is common courtesy.
I also know that if you were in a game and somebody left you would probaby feel angry now since a 4v5 is very hard to beat

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You need to put your PS5 somewhere better so it doesn’t overheat.

More ventilation required.

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Must have happened in a lot of games for a ban to take place