i mean yeah, all player base is put into 2k gold tier level.
i stopped playing in season 31 when the game became very toxic, and i used to to grind to master tank and support.
so last season i played was 31 and i got my diamonds pretty easily and started learning new tanks.
Now the games are really very random where you can get smurf or very good player against a totaly new player who is getting started ranked games.
and on top of it, the queue time problem is not even 100% solved, becasue i am already waiting 5/6 minutes.
i played whole aternoon i could get lose streaks of 5 games in a row…
put new players into bronze.
i also think they rientroduced they system of OW 1.0 where more you win more SR you get, kinda win/lose streaks.
COIN FLIP Comming?