I’ll post this link here so you know what I’m refering to.
https:// postimg.cc/ sQ3zV6gf
Basically I feel like I’m in a constant loop with this rank and this game, yes you could say “well this is probably just your rank and you have to deal with it.” I’ve been diamond, I’ve been close to masters but it’s literally a 50% win rate every time I play, doesn’t matter what day, what time, it’s always the same outcome.
This season seems to be an absolute disaster, I have other duos that are experiencing the same fate and can’t rank up either, tried helping them but it’s no use, feel like I’m playing against smurfs or cheaters most of the time… That I can’t prove so take it as you want.
It’s honestly getting boring, I feel like at least with OW1 I was able to achieve more, or early OW2 seasons I managed to get more of out competitive, now it’s just either you get a bad tank or you get bad DPS even if your supports are carrying (I don’t know the lifeweaver in this img)
Its sad to see how Overwatch has just made such a game that most people are struggling, I don’t see posts saying “WOW I AM DOING SO WELL, WOW I LOVE THIS GAME MODE, WOW I LOVE OVERWATCH” anymore, and yet you get some who put you down for even saying there’s problems and act like there’s nothing wrong.
Anyway I’m ranting, it feels more like i’m playing 2/3 vs 5 more times than its actually 5v5 anymore.