Competitive rank doesnt progress

I was trying to go up to platinum but whenever I win the necessary 5 games they keep me at gold 2 or they lower me to gold 3. Even though I win the games I don’t go up in rank

How many did you lose though?

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Next week you’ll be able to see how much and which direction your rank moves after every game.

Right now you’d have to lose 1 or none per 5 wins if you want to move after every set
If you lose 3 per 5 wins, it would take 2 or 3 sets of wins to move up a rank.

These are rough estimates, but in next season things should be clearer.

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It’s not the problem, the plays I’ve lost were 9 or 8 but I never lost the 15 plays necessaries

So. You win 5 but lose 9… that will be a drop. At best you might get lucky and stay in the same division.

Winning 5 isn’t a rank up… Winning 5 triggers the update. So if your record is negative, you will probably drop.

As small package said

Which basicly means what i said earlier.

So far it’s triggered the rank update if you win 5 or lose 15. Whichever comes first.
But all matches are counted.

If you lose more than 5 and then win 5, triggering the update. Your rank will drop as the game counts the losses into the same update.

A way that i’ve thought about it is if you minus the amount of losses from your wins.

For example if you lose 7 before 5 wins you’d be left with -2.
Which would mean your rank drops.

If instead you lose 3 and win 5
Your rank raises a little.

Luckily none of this matters after the next season starts XD
As your rank will get a visible update after every match, not 5 wins/15 losses.

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