Competitve circus

My competitve bronze games in na nutshell… Me with bronze Players vs 2/3 smurfs facerolling nubs at spawn or me witch 2/3 smurfs faceroling nubs at spawn… GG

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Well. How can u climb, when ur win condition is depedent on smurf count in a game in noob rank? Yeah I’m ranting about broken and unfair system… Today I played 20 games and all of them where one sided

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I was bronze. Now plat/diamond/master depending on role.

There is one big thing stopping you climbing, and you’re not going to like what it is.


If u trying to say I’m bad, well you are right… I’m a new bronze bad player putted agianst high rank players… There is nothing I can i improve agianst one shot sombra as a suport for example :slight_smile: just saying its unmotivated

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Nope. Will never say that

But you’re right that it is only you holding you back

Sombra? Kiriko renders her pretty useless. As does playing a lot closer to your team.

Depends on the support you tend to play…

Remember, bronze is the biggest range in terms of SR from top to bottom, and it also has the smallest player pool, so you will see some variances in skill. The trick is to maximise the variables you can control

It is rough, you will suffer, and it will take time. But if you’ll get there.