Competive Leavers

There is a big problem in overwatch competive right now…

and it is the leavers, in the last season alone i have had 5/6 leavers in my matches, i know blizzard have tried there best to deal with this. but this problem should be dealt with difrently.

Now a leaver gets 2/3 mins? to get back to the match. what if after 5 mins or so the game gets canceld.

There is a loss for the team that has the leaver. it is not fair.


Then the user is punished.

After 2 minutes or after multiple disconnects the user will be punished.

What good does that do? It doesn’t deal with the fact that the other 5 on the team also suffers the loss cause they will be one less player on the team.

A little more time to cancel match would help. Also the one who leaves should be severely punished. Also if dc/leaver in late game the SR loss should be adjusted. Losing a player at the start of round 2 kills a team that could adjust and win. It’s not fair that the team looses full SR. Fair would be match cancelled with no timer and real punishment for the leaver.

Wanna kill the leavers all at once, ban their accounts for 30 days. I promise you 90% of the ones who leaves matches intentionally will disappear and the rest of them will be banned :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think Blizzard is required to compensate for player behaviour. You could use the excuse that they created this enviorment, though if it can be fixed by punishing them then it’s not because of the enviorment clearly.

This can result in the play rate of Competitive dying because players are scared of having a technical malfunction, even if there is nothing wrong.

True losing one player is indeed frustrating, though the match isn’t impossible.

it kinda is when your in silver, just cancel the match… no loss no penaltu nothing. it would help so much

I’d understand that it would be in Silver, though focussing on one rank isn’t that much of a common ground to create changes.

This can result in abuse.

Cancelling matches of which popular players are in (e.c Streamers, Youtubers) or using it as a failsafe for your friend.

Raising the punishment might endorse players to purchase more accounts, and again drops the playrate of the main gamemode.

and then again, what about the people on the losing team of the leaver? what do they get… a loss and nothing more? no compersasion anyting? just a giant *** to say it rude sorry for that

I understand the frustration behind it, though from my standpoint i also understand why Blizzard doesn’t compensate for it.

Of course there are unfortunate players, those players that leave can’t be held in check constantly. Even with a change of certain rules and punishments it can still result in the same, lowering leavers maybe with a mere 10%

I understand these issues are not well though you can’t always compensate for a faulty player without having actual downsides to it.

There is a solution in preventing this though, and that’s grouping up.
It’s not the most common solution, or the most liked. Though it does work pretty well.

lets say grouping up, but what if you dont have any friends? or not get accepted or kicked everytime you try? what then.

Considering this, we have the LFG system to group up with other users that like to play seriously, that’s what this was initially designed for.

This would have also fixed the issues within Open Queue with players that won’t change off DPS or throwers/leavers.
Since you could enforce roles with LFG it would have fixed quite a bit for fixed compositions.

Well enough of that that’s not the main topic after all.

Considering this feature also fails to help you in any way then i’d say you would be out of options, though this is unlikely since you’re able to create your own LFG party and there is a high chance of players joining you.

i think its a diffuclt toppic to tacle but not a inposible one. there must be a midle line

in one match, half my team left and the whole enemy team spawn camped us

What can you really do about someone who just decides enough is enough and leaves. Or is unlucky and DC’s.

Nothing. Blizzard cannot force people to stay.

It is annoying, but they get a little suspension and SR loss. What more can Blizzard really do.

If you up the SR loss, people will just use it as an easy way to deranked occasionally. And a longer suspension would be completely unfair to those who are just unlucky and got a server issue, or their internet died.

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