Competivive matchmaking does not work

every time we play we get like 4 super easy matches and then 8 impossible matches in a row. why is it like this. this game wants us to feel good at first then it makes us lose. im quitting forever bye frick this game

It doesn’t “want” anything, not is it trying to make you win or lose.

You won 4 “easily” so your MMR would have increased. Probably too far for you as you then lost a bunch.

It’s rough, but the match maker and MMR are too simplistic to do anything else.

Matchmaking is broken and this is obvious. You just cannot find a solution to deal with “derankers” and “smurfs”, and people just suffer from being a part of one of these teams, thats it. And from there matchmaking is trying to raise or down some player, obviously making a bad decisions, and players could see a 10 of lose streak and even more.

Agree with this. They are a nuisance that can’t be solved. The theory behind grouping next season is that it will remove some of the impact of that.

No longer need to derank to play with friends (as long as you’re diamond and below), and you no longer need to pretend to smurf on an alt account to do it either. But we shall see how impactful that is.

But, the match maker isn’t to blame for this. These are both player behaviour issues, something no system can track.