Content suggestion: Career profile and hero stats

Hello there [insert Kenobi joke] Overwatch team,

I’ve been enjoying your game since 2018 (Halloween Event and 1st OW League Season) and I’ve been thinking a lot about content and content suggestions and hero wishes and so on.

There is one thing I really want and actually a lot of players could need (I think) the following.

Could you please include, inside the career profile, a dropdown select where it portrais ‘played time’ in combination with your ‘winrate’ (win percentage) / ‘games won’ by hero.

The reason is simply mathematical:
I -for example- do not play Doomfist or Wrecking Ball a lot, especially in competetive but sometimes I rush in with Ball or launch in with Doom to contest an overtime point thus giving me play time with them and even a win sometimes…
in the last couple of seconds…
so my carrer would show me i.e. Doom: 100% win rate in Season 9 for example.

But this doesn’t represent my actual success with the hero.

So I simply ask you to combine those stats in correlation to each other because then the picture would be more reliable in one stat not to combine two (played time/ win percentage) or three (games won) manually.

I am very sure that this is a reasonable requset… so if you could include this in one of the following seasons that would be great.

Thank you

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Never thought about this. But it would be a very simple and welcome change.

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I don’t understand, this already exists no?
In my career profile, if I click in an hero, I can see that stats only for that hero. Each hero has even some specific stats (ex: with lucio we can see the % of heal/speed boost usage).

The only thing idk is how those stats are updated if you play multiple heroes in a match…

You can. The op means having it in one place, not having to keep choosing different options on the summary. Rather than going from hero to hero.

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I know that the “higher resoluted” stats exist. But this doesn’t fix the issue seeing the heros, in a chart diagram, in comparison.

Another option for the stats nerds… Have the stats be exportable to a CSV file.

Also, map stats. I’d be curious to see what maps I win most at on each role.

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