Create Custom Workshop Game (Russian Roulette)

I’ve been trying to make a Workshopgamemode that works like russian roulette with 2 teams like in this video: RUSSIAN ROULETTE! | Overwatch (Workshop Custom Game) - YouTube
I made it that it kills every second person that shoots but didnt manage to kill ppl randomly when they shoot.

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I like it. Might try a high noon that can target 1 random player out of multiple locks.

Very simple one.
Use any player variable of your choice.

Ongoing: Each Player
Teams: All
Players: All
Is Button Held (Event Player ) Primary Fire
Set Player Variable X (Random Integr 0, 5)
Kill (Filtered Array (Event Player (Compare Player Variable ( Event Player) X == number 0)))

If you also want to ‘lock’ turns you’ll need some more to do that…