Greetings, I am Dragonfire486 and I am in the midst of making an Overwatch Xbox team called Dragon Flyers. We are what remains of the team Dragon Slayers, but decided to part ways with the leader and make our own team since he still thinks you can play Rein in the current state of the meta.
We are all 2900+ and we are currently two players short. We scrim a lot against upcoming teams so be ready to be available when called upon at a certain time. Now, let’s meet the cast.
Dragonfire486 - Main Tank
- Orisa
- Sigma
- Zarya
Janime Nugget - Off Tank
- Roadhog
- Hammond
- Zarya
Flipgroundhog50 - Dps
- Doomfist
- Genji
Warn1ing 0f Fate
- Bastion
- Reaper
If you feel like you could play for a league team and keep your team alive, feel free to text me or Fate and we will get back to you asap. We will play a few practise games with you to see if you can fit in with our team effectively, and afterwards, we will have a team discussion to see if you make the cut.
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon!
- Dragonfire486