Critical feedback on queue time

I want to share my feedback to the developers, I don’t know what is the right place for it. To the causal forum users wanting to say “your feedback is irrelevant, we don’t care” - I know, and please skip this post then, but I want to share it anyways, perhaps it can help with the devs stats on the number of people complaining about my problem.

I love the game, I play since 2017, I have over 3000 hours in, this season I played over 400 competitive games, I have level 5 endorsement.

With all that, I want to share my feedback on the matchmaking - I cannot find a game :frowning: I play all 7 days a week, in the morning, midday and evenings, and my Q times are 10-15 minutes long, during the week and in the weekends. The queue time is longer than the matches itself. My last match lasted 14 minutes and I was in queue for it for 19 minutes. Sometimes the queues are only few minutes long or even instant, but it is very rare, most of the times it’s around 10-15 minutes.

I play on EU, as a support, and I’m in Masters 5 rank.

I will take a break from OW2, but I will gladly get back when the queue times will be fixed.

Thank you.