Crossplay in Quick play! unfair for PC

Pve will probably be free too .

They stated they want it to be a pay for game, didn’t see any articles clearly stating other wise, any reason why you wish to counter what I would like to happen?

I have crossplay on but it seems to be console only as i play it on a console.

Because if crossplay would be mixed with pc players i would instantly stop playing the game. Because keyboard and mouse is way better than console. If you are a pc player losing to console players then you are just bad.

Pc has way easier controls, you just got to point and click, you got way more control over your character. PC players simply steamroll console players in all fps games if crossplay is possible. when playing against console players jumping up and down is enough to make them miss.Sometimes standing still is enough for them to miss pretty much everything

I expect them to charge for it personally. A paid for expansion.