De ranking in comp

it seems to me that the issue of players purposefully de ranking in their competitive matches are becoming an increasing occurrence. I do not mean to sound toxic or anything but I have dropped from mid plat (yes I am a casual tank main) down to mid gold in a space of a couple of matches, with teammates admitting they are throwing with the express purpose to de rank.
I know it is impossible to monitor every game that is happening at once, but does the dev team have way to single out these types of throwers rather than just reporting them for gameplay sabotage?

It happens. Has happened since day 1.

Annoying, but not that common.

If you are a high ranked player and want a bronze account, you can just buy them preleveled. Which is what redshell has down to troll bronze players. Hopefully he’ll be banned for it.

It’s more like the bronze players troll him.

Not that common? Take some looks at the group finder over the course of some days and see how common it is. I do it all the time and report all the games that are about deranking. It’s usually 5 - 10 per day. It’s very common.

Yeah. There is sometimes a group.

But that isn’t very many players in the grand scheme of things.

Like I said, not that common. Not that it doesn’t happen.

I’ve been playing for 4 hours now, using group finder. Saw 1 deranking group to join at the start, not been one since.

Right now there is 2 NA groups, one French, and Polish and a Russian group. No derankers.

It’s more like the bronze players troll him.