Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

Account level means nothing except cause people like yourself to judge others unnecessarily. You can see why they are removing it

Literally l anyone can learn rollouts. Doesn’t really help you win more or get good though.

Levels are getting removed and that’s good because high portrait players who are less mechanically skilled are less likely to get flamed

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Exactly. This kind of judging of others is utterly unnecessary.

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This is such a ridiculous argument that I won’t even respond to it.

Exactly. Seeing a level 30 Doomfist use rollouts and tech you wouldn’t see until you reached high rating is the biggest giveaway ever. Usually with a toxic name too.

Which is why that guy’s argument is so ridiculous.

Also GG phone verification for smufs and gated comp to make it difficult to smurf in the first place, if people do things like buying cheap sim cards.

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People will find ways around, it’s inevitable unfortunately

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Yet you just did… Lol. Just because a player can do a couple of things you haven’t bothered to learn and practice… Doesn’t mean they are smurfing.

As for your phone verification comment. This is what they want to see, people thinking it’ll change things. The placebo effect of the change will be the biggest part, because it really doesn’t change anything.

Also I can tell you for a fact that if there is a level 30 doom voice line spamming and teabagging while spawn camping and such that man is a Smurf most definitely, level doesn’t mean much cuz people can get lucky is an argument people use which is fair but invalid when the player is blatantly smurfing


Blizzard has deleted every post and comment about the SMS issue. I am a model player, I have spent thousands in dollars and hours on OW1, but I am now locked out of the “service” now because of my choice of phone provider years ago?!

I have a perfectly legitimate phone provider and plan. This whole thing boggles my mind.

This isn’t an overwatch issue. It’s a BattleNet issue. You need to speak to the right people. Getting angry isn’t a solution.

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Reading comprehension not your forte, huh

I am not allow to play the game because of sms protection that I just heard about it not long ago.i played ow1, spends money and I also brought a watch point pack before this defense matrix also ow2 release yet not be able to play because of this number that not support by your company? I am mad af, thank for that blizzard! What am I suppose to do now ?! Change my service choice to play the your so called “free to play game”?!:upside_down_face:

I know it’s not the point of your argument but they are removing sms protect for some overwatch players if that helps?

three days since OW2 started and i already reported a dozen of toxic players for insults and hate speech . (FYI most of them being dps mains complaining about the solo tank or the supports. i know shocking.)
So i have high expectation that your system will work and without any tolerance toward those kind of players

Obviously it doesn’t work at all.