This is just a short simple list of things that are just undeniable fun ruiners for me in competitive that I believe would apply to every rank.
1. Hard throwers: The people who stand off to one side and just don’t play the COMPETITIVE game they queued for. I really think these people should just be banned, or thrown into some sort of comp jail where they can only vs others who have thrown for a month or so. It’s deliberate, and it really ruins the experience, and its not rare. I had a reaper throw in my game only to find him on the enemy team three games later where he’s playing like normal and my tank either left or disconnected, so I can’t even get my revenge on him. I also had a tank a month or two ago who literally threw after we full held first point on defence, but he died once yelled at supports and stood on side of he map telling support off. Another tank didn’t like that our pharah and mercy died instantly on first team fight, and then it died in the 5 v 3 that followed, so it spent rest of the match hanging on the side of a building as a ball. We don’t need these types in competitive and they’re just so common. Harsher penalties might not remove the problem but I would feel so much better knowing they can never play ranked again even if its just that account. Another nice thing you could do is remove any lost progress in rank for the other 4 if its found a hard thrower was on team like the above examples.
The rage quitters: Like the above but honestly annoys me less as they at least give themselves a penalty by leaving. Again penalties need to be harsher in my opinion but it can be harder to discern genuine disconnects from the rage quitting but I assume there is like a 10:1 ratio of rage quitters to genuine disconnects and maybe the reports should be taken in account when punishing.
Cheaters: Honestly rarer than throwers in my games, and most are quite bad at the game and can be played around but yeah they still ruin the fun.
Smurfs / boosters: I find smurfs so much worse than the cheaters because they really will destroy the ranks below them in quick fashion and they’re definitively better so its hard to play around them. Even when they are on my team it takes the fun out of the game as they will damn near solo the enemy team and I’m not learning much that game or even getting to play. I don’t know how to fix this but maybe if there were some incentive for them to play in their true rank? Which leads me to…
Lack of rewards - I get it there are titles, but I looked and saw some of the old spray rewards, Rivals gave a skin away for reaching a certain rank. Small rewards that just say “I made it to this in this season” would be nice. Even a special recolour of basic skins for one character of choice in your role would be nice.
TLDR; I just want harsher and faster penalties for those people that queue into ranked, tilt and then refuse to keep playing at all in any small way. Also I want to be able to earn more rewards that mark my progress and achievements