Delete clash already

Seriously Clash is the worst Game Mode ever to be conceptionized and added to Overwatch. This Game Mode feels frustrating to play and unsatisfying to win on. This is supposed to utilize the 2CP Maps!? please, 2CP might’ve been frustrating in ranked but 2CP was perfect for Quick Play+ 2CP had Original Map instead of Clash which rips them off for somekind of Sorry Excuse of an Game Mode! I rather have 2CP back than playing this abomination of frustration and agony. To those who worked on this and greenlit Clash, How does it feel churn out such horrible piece of crap? …actually I don’t wanna know but who am I kidding? you guys (the devs) are surrounded by Yesmen to the point where you can’t acknowledge mistakes anymore and everything is fine.


I think it’s big problem is it requires such a different play style/comp to the other modes.

Overwatch players are generally quite inflexible and slow to learn. This makes clash matches just feel awful

Hypothetically, modes and maps that require you to adjust and play different things are a great idea. But that’s not how people play. Clash is another example of them trying to do things for how they want the game to be played, rather than how the players actually play it

They’re taking the Harold Winston quote “Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be” a little to seriously… Lol

Clash originally, I disliked. With the changes they have brought in to support the mode, it’s not as bad. But I would prefer 2CP maps, I never had a problem with those, even the moon station(whatever it’s called) map.

I wouldn’t miss Clash if they got rid of it. I wouldn’t miss the Push maps either.

Miss the old style maps. Would be good if they brought them back with some sort of rotation. I guess the only downside to them with OW2 is how the matchmaker puts together one-sided comps at the moment which may affect how the 2CP maps feel.

What changes? Making the last point of clash unobtainable? Thats so stupid, they besically force the game to be take 2 points and start trading point for point till 5 points, never wasting ults on the last point.
Thats so stupid, you are litreally getting your progress blocked by static means where their is lireally zero skill involved, you legit have to paly 3 times better than the losing team to get their spawn objective thanks to cap timers and spawn rate.

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Yeah, sadly the mode is a little scuffed.

Just cap first, then force a back and forth till you win the last point C.

Stupid mode in its current form.

yeah… and if you fight the enemy team back you only get one point… so stupid and the fact that those maps are just rehashes from old/better maps also grinds my gears… about Push which I’m also not really hot about at the very least Runasapi is FUN!

I put them in the same boat.

In their launch forms - big no.

Push has been tweaked, maps changed, and new maps. Now it is an ok mode.

Clash is still in its no thank you phase. So I’d imagine over time it will improve. Wishful thinking perhaps

Hmm, im only a Weekend player.
But i have Clash Maps quite rarely lately, maybe once every 8-10 Matches.
Almost as if they dialed it down due the fact they failed at balancing the mode in at release and then cant figure out how to make something out of it.
At Release they would force feed us the mode and it was terrible.
It still is a stomp either way most of the time (and i had to play 2cp alot).

GL !

This isn’t true, I get clash exactly as much as any other game mode, and the fact that the games are always fast makes it seem like I’m playing more clash than any other game modes on avrage.

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Well now a Month Later Clash is also more prominent in my Matches.
And it is still the same thing. Almost every Clash Match is under 4 Minutes of Gameplay.

GL !

I think clash is okay. It can, and probably will, get improved, but it does not suck, imo. The conditions are the same for both sides and skill still wins. Fun chaos. Maybe they should make it with another type of winning condition?

They should just remove it, its beyond saving.

The maps are terrible from theme to layouts, the static capuring is awful since after 2 points blizzard does not want you to captuire points to not hurt the feelings on the other team too much, the character roster that are viable on clash maps is insanly low and its by far the mode with the most troll picks available.

I don’t know… When you get 2 teams that actually understand how to play it, it is quite chaotic and fun.

That is fairly rare though as players are unwilling to learn anything it seems.