Deserter competitive idea

I think it is bull**** (sorry PC blizzard!) that one player leaving the game has the power to completely ruin it for everyone else. I have been a huge blizzard fan my whole life and played literally every title since I have been alive (1996). Now I am losing interest in overwatch. Not that you would care, you have millions of players but I do not see why my ranking has to suffer because of a quitter or someone who does not care to do well in competitive. After all, that is what quick play is for.
My proposed solution is this for when a player on your team leaves:
-If you finish out the game, the winning team wins and their score goes up per usual.
-The person who left gets penalized (maybe even per protocol now).
-The losers who stuck it out DO NOT lose any ranking points. You can even call it a loss.
-Or even leave things the way they are now and let a new player fill the spot until level 2000. Anything better than what is now.
I think competitive is already messed up now being that one terrible person can ruin the game because they pick junkrat when a healer/tank is needed, or just suck. That is another animal that people think and I dont have the energy to complain about. But this is even more unfair. Something has to change.

And who will want to fill in for a team that is losing ? And why ? Are you aware of the fact that when someone gets disconnected they can get back in game? Also are you aware of the fact that if someone fills up will just ruin their rank even more if they lose a game they didn’t have a fair chance to win from the start? Are you also aware of the fact that you lose all your stats including the ult charge when you disconnect? And there are many more reasons I can give you for why this is a bad idea in the 1st place.
And I hope you do realize that in most cases people who get disconnected are not responsible for that . Things happen : server problems, internet issues , power issues and the list goes on . Not everyone is a raging little kid .

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Started reading your post and agree with most points/different perspective. I guess I’m more of an adult to formally acknowledge that and not bitch back. Fine scratch the idea of someone being able to join. But do you think people should lose sr points for someone leaving the game (even if it’s one they are winning)?

I don’t know, I mean I can say for myself that 2/3 leavers don’t come back. Sure, it could be a large electrical fault or something, but it could also be some pissed off guy, indicated by the people usually leaving in the losing team.

From what I’ve read, there’s not really many options to fix the leaver problem without it being flawed in some other way, though I just want Blizzard to make the punishments for leaving much more painful, hopefully that could solve the problem.

No I don’t agree with that but you see there is more to that. I have had games where my team won 1st round, then 2nd round the enemy team had a disconnect and all the enemy team left and game got canceled. I don’t agree with the game being canceled either especially when I was on the winning part :P. Yet I don’t know what it can be done against this to actually make a difference for both teams , but I really disagree with the replacement for the disconnected person , because 1st you take away that persons spot in the team (leaving him no option but a loss ) and 2nd the things i mentioned above .

Fair, in retrospective the replacement person is dumb I’m with you on that. I’m just sick of basically getting an automatic L in general because someone on my team leaves the game.

thank u for your help