Difference between griefing and gameplay sabotage

Hi all, so in the reoprt system when u report, there is communication, self explanatory, cheating/hacking. But griefing and gameplay sabotage are separate. Now to me griefing is like disrupting the flow of the game and blocking team progress, which is a form of gameplay sabotage, so what is the difference?

Griefing is in the game play sabotage category, which is the correct category. It doesn’t need it’s own category.

Griefing is when players use heroes with abilities that can block access to certain areas of a map or block the spawn exit, like Mei’s ice wall or for example Lifeweaver’s grip being used to grip people into a 1v5 or out of the map etc. That’s griefing either an individual teammember or the entire team, which is literally the definition of game play sabotage.

I think they view blocking the teams progress as actual hard throwing. Where as griefing is just more the slight trolling behaviour some might do.

I was mistaken then lmao. This answers my question.