Game Director Aaron Keller is back with a preview to the balance changes coming to Overwatch 2 in Season Five
Thanks for the updates!
I just wish you would implement some of important changes that I suggested…
But we have a lot of high-mobility heroes in the roster, and a team can’t always rely on their tank to take of them.
Reading this confirmed to me that the overwatch balance team have no clue how their game works
“Previously, we stated that we would like there to be a reason to pick new heroes over others in the roster. This is still our goal for new heroes—we want them to bring something new to the table.”
a.k.a We want to sell MORE battlepasses and further unbalance game for the sake of extra $$$
Nothing wrong with them doing that.
Just don’t pay. If you pay, you only have yourself to blame.
Hold the phone, Mei is getting ANOTHER buff? She was already really strong, and now her slow is getting an additional, far stronger effect? For 1.5 seconds? That sounds pretty damn strong for a hero that didn’t really need a buff.
And Cassidy’s magnetic, teleporting, asteroid-hitboxed magnetic grenade will PREVENT movement abilities? What are the implications of this? Is Ball’s transform a movement ability? Queen’s shout (due to speed boost)? Rein’s pin? Doom’s punch?
These two changes seem to me like they’ll be a huge nerf to dive tanks. Especially Doom and Ball, heroes that rely purely on their ‘naked’ engages, will get instantly blown up if their ‘movement’ abilities get disabled. Even more so considering how well Mei already was against these guys. Besides, they already weren’t particularly strong altogether.
Huzzah!! One-shots have finally been nerfed! I thought Widow and Hanzo would inevitably stay as stupidly annoying heroes, especially on maps like Havana. But they listen! Thank the gods! I’m glad they’re taking the impact of one-shots seriously.
And thank god for Lifeweaver buffs. I hope the healing changes are just a max charge increase, and that the damage buff makes Thorn Volley more consistent. The heal on Life Grip, hitbox improvements, and Petal Platform QOL changes also sound really good. I’m praying that they make it so that Petal Platform descends back down after not being used.
The grenade worries me more as a support main than a tank. It’ll be just like before the damage nerf but now kiriko and moira can’t escape it at all. (Kiriko in the event that the suzu is used, which is most of the time for me)
I’ve been picking them against annoying cassidys to be able to live.
I guess there’s no point now since once that’s attached to a support, they will die.
“I want new heroes to be pointless, useless even” is dumb of you to believe, no?
The cc changes are worrying.
The game is already quite passive, poke based. If more CCs appear, there will be far to make counters to aggressive play, or even dive.
So everyone will be back to boring poke comps.
I hope I’m wrong, but from that update, they haven’t “improved” the game.
We’ll see how it’ll feel once it’s out. I’m just glad that they’re trying to balance that ability cancellation with nerfing the damage. Might not be entirely terrible.
just remove hanzo and widow, ty xoxoxox
yes plz!! all one shot heroes need to go
I can’t believe there’s no mention here of the lies that we’ve all been spun. Every time I look at opening one of your products on the launcher i’m filled with the feelings of being blatantly lied to and led on… I can’t even read this update.
The Widow and Hanzo changes seem really on spot. Really good.
JQ nerf also is fair and on the right path.
Lifeweaver needs buffs, you list some nice changes (heal on life grip, maybe make his pedal able to be toggled, quicker heals and more dmg and AMMO (mostly))
I think Hog’s only change til rework could be to make his weapon spread less. That would improve both his hook, his range (poke), everything. Just a single change would improve him a lot but not make him broken.
Doom could get a buff too. One of these three options would be good for him.
- Slam cd 7-> 6 sec
- Power punch cd -1 sec if you miss it
- Power block: 35% → 25% movement speed penalty , dmg reduction 80% → 85%, cd 7 sec → 6
Even tho the first two would give him a lot better mobility and QoL , the 3rd one is his actual problem. His Block ability is by far the worst Tank ability of all. And it wouldn’t make him broken.
Genji could get a buff. 30 ammo and 28 dmg . Or maybe make his dragonblade 120 dmg but make it 5 sec. Or 120 dmg, 6 sec as now but make it cap at 170 dmg (with nano etc)
Ramattra could get a nerf about either his speed in nemesis form (20%->15%) or His Ult. For example, some suggestions : less annihilation dmg/sec (30->20) OR less max duration 20sec ->15 sec. OR more ult cost. Something of all these.
And lastly, Zen discord could get a nerf 25%-> 20%. Or even 15%, but give him some other buffs for compensation (orb of harmony maybe, or something about his movement).
Amazing job Director! I am so proud somebody cares about Overwatch 2.
This song is for incoming events (Summers games, Copa Lucio) , and for Overwatch 2 team! Sean Paul ft.Alexis Jordan-Got To Love You (lyrics) - YouTube (am celebrating in advanced)
I wouldn’t take it so seriously. It’s just a game.
It’s a lot more than that for a lot of people.
Fix the matchmaking please.
it is! but some ppl will never understand