Director's Take - Empowering Tanks in Midseason

Director's Take - Empowering Tanks in Midseason

Aaron Keller gives an early look at improving the Tank experience coming this midseason for Overwatch 2.

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As a tank player, this is absolutely huge, and I’m very happy that they are going to improve the experience for tank players!

I would suggest a new passive called rearview mirror which would allow players to be able to see behind them more easily…



Just had an even cooler idea - what if the Reinhardt shield itself was a semi-transparent mirror?

(I could see this being implemented especially since they’re already experimenting with more uses for the shield like giving it damage amplification)

:shield: :mirror:

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Actually now that I think of it it would be amazing if we could just play Rein in third person mode with a toggle button - without needing to engage shield which has numerous drawbacks!

(So it would be a free camera like Wrecking Ball)

:scream_cat: :point_up_2:

finally some changes on tank i hope they get better now. - Tank main

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another tank to help first one with different strategy would help though :face_exhaling:

As a tank main, these changes potentially make tanks oppressive again.

Time for some fun before they rightful nerf things.

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If nothing else, could be fun for a little while XD

Half season max.

If people are right, people will be crying their eyes out that tanks are op again.

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since tanks are melting right now, this just will bring tank to prio -20% debuff state. So nothing will change ;|

Could be. Until it’s live we won’t know.

But at least they are trying something. And if it’s bad, they can hot fix, or we can wait for season 11.

Plenty of other things to do if the patch sucks.

Just hold LMB while holding RMB and you can look around…


I’m aware of this but as I stated elsewhere:

And this saves the Rein player having to do the clunky “hold up your shield and hold left click and look around” which is quite tricky to do in the heat of a battle whilst trying to move around and see the things in front of you as well and means that he has to potentially take unnecessary shield damage as well as slow his movement!

The problem is it feels clunky and finicky to do and during a battle you really need to be able to see behind you at a moment’s notice so if it was on a button press that you could see behind you that would be much quicker!

Some further thoughts:

They could implement RTX ray tracing and apply it to the shield so there would be real time reflections - the potential downside would be the performance impact!


Yeah I can believe he doesn’t just do that.

Instead needs more hand holding… Game would suck if you could just see everyone all the time. Where would the challenge be.

Overwatch is a game that needs to appeal to the broadest audience possible - a high skill ceiling is good and Reinhardt is arguably one of the highest skill ceiling heroes in the roster however (much like the bullet hitbox changes) this would be a great accessibility change and potentially increase tank retention and allow the game to appeal to more players!

This means the game would flourish and prosper which in turn means a higher revenue!
