Disconnected 2 games in a row.. I never disconnect normally

As the title says. I never disconnect. I got 200 mbit internet.
It’s not my internet. Got disco two times in a row when im winning and when I get back, im not punished. So the game must know it wasn’t me somehow.

Anyone else? Happend two times now. 10 min ago

Same happening here, got disconnected mid game, played 2 games and it happened again mid game

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Also disconnecting frequently today. This never happens to me.

Did the hamster die?

Same, I got disconnected and thanks to Blizzard team’s great idea of punishing people who leave unranked, pretty sure I will get banned with this rate. Dc-d twice today in one hour.

3 games now for me… ALL games were I was winning. great, play 90% of the game to then get disconnected and cannot reconnect…

It’s a 5 minute time out if you dc from 4 or more within the last 20 matches.