Ditching GCP for Azure

So, Activision has been acquired by Microsoft about a month ago.
As of now, Overwatch 2 servers are still hosted on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

I have nothing against it, except for the fact that there are fewer GCP datacenters in ME when compared to Azure.
Plus, it kinda makes sense to use first-party datacenters for the “now owned” game.

The main issue i have for a couple of days now is an elevated ping going up from 20ms RTT to almost 50 ms now (it jumps between 43 ms and 49 ms).

Given the fact that both Azure and GCP have datacenters in Doha (seems to be the main datacenter everyone will connect while playing on the ME) it is a no brainer to switch, BUT, there is also datacenter of Azure in UAE, which will provide lower RTTs for people from, for example Oman and UAE.

Also, while talking about RTTs, Pings and Interpolation delay, they have numbers all over the place.

Ping (LAT) is at 33ms, RTT is between 45 and 50, and Interpolation (IND) is anything from 50 to 80. As per my understanding, there should not be such a big discrepancy between RTT and IND.

As per my connection, i am on the Etisalat E-Life plan with a 1Gbps direct Fiber-to-Home connection.

Aside from the latency issues, there is also a growing amount of “server not found” errors while joining any type of game: QP, COMP, Arcade, Custom, and even Practice Range.

They probably will move to Azure in time, but if imagine the contract has a long way to go yet.