DM Competitive mercy

Ana got her buff just before DM comp was released. How about mercy? She has 2 completely useless abilities because you cant res or GA in DM. Show mercy some love :cry:

You got any suggestions for Mercy in DM ? Like dmg boost her self or heal her self ?
I don’t know even how that could work in the first place.

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Hard to say. But at least let her use GA offensively (the ability to GA to an enemy because there is 0 allies in DM). I dont know what they could do to res, maybe allow it to insta gib someone so you will be like assassin if you manage to sneak on someone and channel the “res”. But I have no idea what to do with E, but I think they should change GA.

Normally mercy is highly mobile hero because of GA but now you cant use it and it renders your mobility to trashcan levels.

Hmm interesting ideas… GA to different enemies will give her the mobility.
Her only source of damage her pistol would definitely make it harder for Mercy, unless she has some automated way of self healing / dmg boosting herself.

I think if she could somehow heal her self extra it would be bit broken. Some kind of damage boost activation instead of E, lets say she gets her own dmg boost for 5 seconds could be useful (with a long cd). Or maybe 3 secs with a shorter cd idk.

I don’t know even how that could work in the first place.