Does blizzard like actually hate venture?

Like seriously im going insane here, they posted the new toph venture skin some time ago and it looks so bad, i love venture and i love toph but wtf is that. Its basically just a recolor like please give some effort. And now they post a new image and venture just isnt there? like did they just remove the skin from existence and add katara instead? I’m losing it over here


What you have to remember is a lot of the skins are designed by 3rd party studios/designers.

So if they are working through skins, venture will probably start getting loads next year.

So they can design around 15 kiriko skins, alot of them being with no time between but not even one venture legendary in 9 months?

You also need to factor in what’s popular and will be more certain to make money.

They aren’t releasing skins for fun.

If they have a defined number of skins they’ll release in a season. They need to make sure they’ll sell. If they Kiri skins are going to make good money. Then they’ll keep doing them. If people stop buying them, they’ll do something else.

Also, they’ll probably be deliberately holding back to artificially increase demand. So that’s when they do release something, people will snap it up.

venture is hated and not played enough. kiri wil sell stuff. is not rocket science

guys… Life Weaver (who’s name can easily be ridiculed to Wife Leaver) introduced Pay2Lose to OW2… followed by Mauga who hilariously introduced Pay2Win to OW2, which led to the change that all Heroes are freely accessable again, like it was in OW1.

The Question that I wanna add: Does Blizzard hate pansexuals?
because how Life Weaver launched to surely seems so.

honestly i disagree on this. a hero is planned many months in advance and with a long design lineup. it is something that blizzard / overwatch consider a lot, even just for the silhouettes that the heroes must have in the gameplay to be immediately recognizable (confirmed several times in interviews).

the problem is that Venture was in the plans for a long time and above all known / defined to the public by blizzcon 2023 (a year ago). even assuming that they had worried about the problem of “adequate representation of non-binary clothing”, this does not take away the fact that it is REALLY a lot of time that is passing for even just a real legendary skin.

frankly there is an obvious problem of design management and marketing. the artists are clearly too focused or inspired always on the same subjects. just look at the surveys on how much inspiration they have even for recent heroes like Juno or the usual Genji, widow, etc… but absolutely zero for junkrat, zarya, baptiste, venture, etc. “coincidentally” the heroes that have been treated really badly in creativity for too long. “coincidentally” blizzard marketing has no problem always proposing at least 2 skins of Mercy and Kiriko in each season. “coincidentally” it is played a lot in spam. but this is a problem that feeds itself: if you never propose designs for heroes that do not have alternative designs, the problem of popularity completely concentrated on the same characters remains.

the only thing that seems sensible to say as a difficulty for Venture is the design of the weapon, which is extremely complex in the mechanisms and moving parts. it is in fact very easy to see in the community a lot of skins on the character but not on the weapon, which is complicated in its total conformation. BUT… this does not justify the absence of concept design of the hero in the surveys or especially the continuous absence in the seasons while other newer heroes have undergone a certain artistic inspiration.

there is an obvious distrust in giving designs to Venture or other characters already mentioned before (wrecking ball, zarya, baptiste, junkrat…) which is why I still don’t use the term “transphobia” on this unpopularity from concept artists. but this favoritism is becoming really controversial.

An example. The new Avatar Collab.

On playstation this was leaked around season 6, obviously not with Venture in it. Katara was in the promo art.

The skins were already done, designed by a 3rd party then put together by team4.

Then because of the venture demand they’ve had to course correct. Whoever was getting the Katara skin is no more and Venture as Toph appears, but because it was late it’s just a recolour.

That’s how long these things are in the works and how far ahead they’re working.

Venture featured heavily in the most recent skin survey. They’ll be getting lots of skins in good time.

i hope this political propaganda character will not get any skins. I really like concept but this character is so ugly, hideous and annoying voice pich and voice lines.


You might not like their design, that’s fair. But there’s nothing political about them.

Interestingly that PS advert for it leaked in season 6, hence Katara being on there. But they swapped them out for Toph/Venture do to the cries online they Venture wasn’t getting any skins.

(Yes this Collab has been lined up for a very long time)

Hopefully they haven’t just binned the Katara skin and it gets put in the bundle too. But I doubt it.

Edit - happy to be wrong. Katara included to. Some people will be happy with that bundle.