Easiest Solution to Smufs

Make it that every account / Blizzard ID has to be connect to a cellphone number thats confirmed. Easy. I’m not taking credit for this idea. But i’ve seen posts like these get no attention. This won’t completely deny smurfing, nothing will; kids will always find a way to alt account, but this will help ALOT.

The sooner this is implemented the better the smurf situation will be.


Please don’t do that. It’s bad enough when other sites make you do it.

If you don’t constantly put money into a phone, they’ll make your sim useless after a certain amount of time. Why should I have to put money into something that’s completely unrelated to the product I want to use?


There’s a few reasons they won’t do this

  1. They’d lose money. A lot. So many people have 2, 3, 10+ Overwatch accounts. What happens to your current alt accounts? I assume you get to keep them but you could only have one registered for competitive play?

  2. They’d lose money.

  3. Money

  4. It wouldn’t be good for Blizzard financially

  5. $$$

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What bothers me is I wish they would just be transparent about their reasoning. Instead they said some bullsh*t like “In our internal testing, we found that our system flawlessly placed smurfs back at their rank within only a few matches!!”

Let’s say this was true. If it was, it would only apply to smurf players who are trying as hard to climb as they are on their main. But let’s be honest. Most smurf players don’t care about climbing as much, and are quick to throw or not take the game seriously, and will flat out tell you “it’s not my main, I don’t care”.

Or maybe they are trying hard. But they’re using their smurf to “one trick” and there’s only so much a Genji one trick can do in the current meta, for example.

If they Arent tryharding, they still Play to some rank, so they belong to the rank they are in.

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They boost, they train off characters, they troll, they derank and nuke other players (sometime streaming and with no issue, both from twitch or blizzard, like famous proplayers). Blizzard needs their money and refuse to help the community ( Ponzio Pilato style)
When you sell a ready account with all heroes and no require 1-2 month of playing before joining ranked for only 14-20 euros this is the result.
A company fully aware of the quality level of the match it offers to its customers, and that tries to make them unaware of this (in order to keep them away from the game) by hiding the profiles, the match history, and the in-game statistics. The perfect plan to make money by not caring about the product they sell.

Start selling the skins and you can have an entrance that is not only the one of the boxes

…What year is it?

As if they can’t just switch to their main or decide to start trying hard at any time…

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