Encountered a "fun" player last night

He picked Rein.

Insisted that because he was the main tank we all had to listen to him and play what he told us.

When I said I play ranked to win, but mostly for fun (and I stop when it stops being fun), and people can play who they like. HE SNAPPED.

Apparently because I didn’t sweat and try hard 110% of the time in ranked I should play quick play… THIS IS IN GOLD…

I have no interest in what my SR is (Blizzard don’t do anything to give me a reason to care). I play to win, and if I don’t I just move on.

During his CONSTANT ranting (the whole match and wouldn’t let anyone else speak), he claimed he was streaming and would send the VOD to Blizzard to to get out Junk players account closed.

At that point I couldn’t try anymore, I was too busy laughing my backside off at him. Which then brought his wrath on to me because I wasn’t playing well enough.




Apparently because I didn’t sweat and try hard 110% of the time in ranked I should play quick play…

Well… yeah? That’s kinda the whole point of QP, a less serious version of comp.

I have no interest in what my SR is

So play QP? Your words don’t match your actions, bud.


Or you. A cautionary tale in two parts.

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100% agree, people take this game way too seriously, especially in lower ranks. Like dudes are gold-plat, raging if we aren’t winning, while everyone in diamond --> literally goofing around in comp.


I’ll play what mode I like. We play “ranked” as QP isn’t full matches (bar koth) so it is a complete waste of everyones time.

I just have fun with my friends, trying to win but not sweating over it. SR and rank are completely irrelevant to me.

I’ll play what mode I like.

Then you’ll get banned. Best of luck!

How can I get banned for opening a game, and selecting the mode i want to play… lol. Jeez, this community is weird. (You must be so much fun to play with…)

But answer me this…

What do I get if I go full sweaty try hard??

Same win rate…
Same proportion of terrible games…

So why would you sweat over it…


its all a matter of perception. it depends on how you perceive “having fun in comp”. for example im a real try hard and only really have fun when I win. there’s nothing wrong with that. some people like to have fun and a laugh and don’t get tilted over little things. this is absolutely fine as well. the problem is when these two kinds of people begin to affect each other. people who play for fun shouldn’t belittle people who try hard and vice a versa. but what are you defining as “fun” in this situation? are you trying to win or are you throwing the game. because most people who post this sort of stuff are very vague on how they are playing the game they got yelled in.

I always try to win.

After that, it should be irrelevant. The game should be fun. You should be able to have a laugh with your team mates while trying to win.

I can understand if playing the game is your full time job that you might lose sight of what is fun about the game.

But I play some evenings, and occasionally at the weekend, with a bunch of mates. So we have a couple of beers, have a laugh, while trying to win. If we don’t win we don’t cry about it. We usually end up mocking each other for mistakes made.

We are only in gold/plat. So SR is mostly irrelevant at that level. You do win more if you have some fun.