Endorsement!What is the point?

Happy to make your day better!

How does it work here? Do I have to introduce myself to you and the other guy to be accepted in the VIP club?


Basically nothing
Never will I see a higher endorsed or lower endorsed person and immediately think they’re either good or bad players like legit I think the only high endorsement level I see in comp is mercy players farming it in arcade :joy:


Very true and based. :based:

Also usually support mains have an higher endorsment level than other players, I think the system is not really great to determine whether a player is good/bad/toxic/etc. (I mean, level 1 endorsement is not automatically a bad/toxic player).

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I wouldn’t say that really. If anything it makes some people want to work harder to level it up. Some may find it an achievement

Yeah its either that they dont play that often or they played before the endorsement update

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Don’t play often, maybe, but the update has been live for a while now.

I mean you can get back to endorsement level 1 after you get a silence aswell.

Think about this way, you get rewarded with an endorsement from someone, the nice colorful notification flashes, and your brain get a kick of neurotransmitters like dopamine which make you feel good. The person likes the good feeling, and wants more of it, so he starts doing w/e he was doing to get rewarded again, so he can feel good again.

There is no point to it, though interestingly I have noticed that level 5 players are more often that not, terrible at the game, which makes even less sense than the Endorsement system itself.

Ppl who are terrible at the game dont get endorsments (unless you do it, IDK). To reach a high endorsment lvl you need to get 2-3 endorsments each game you play. To maintain endorsment lvl 5 you have to keep this up, as even 2 games without 2-3 endorsments will drop you down a lvl.

Getting a suspention will drop your endorsment lvl to ZERO.

There is an unspoken culture to give 1 of your endorsment votes to the player who was good and has the lowest endorsment across the team. So its not that hard to stay at lvl 4 permanently.

From my perspective, high endorsment lvl means you are a chill team player. Low endorsment lvl means you are a toxic player, no matter your ingame skill. You probably flame your own team for your own mistakes, which is almost always the case.

Saving lives is more important than getting kills, most of the time. This will not only bond you with your team, it will also gain you endorsments at the end. Not only did you prevent a stagger for your next team fight, that one dude you didnt chase down has 2 options: get himself killed before his team respawns hence creating a stagger, or hide until his team respawns. In either case he is useless to counter your team progress.

Yeah not with the way they’ve done it. They could make it so much better than what it currently is.

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