Endorsement!What is the point?

I do not understand what the point is about Endorsement.

It changes when not being online for some days.

And never been higher than 2.

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Well I play Overwatch everyday. I keep switching between 3 and 4 which I actually dont care about. But its just if you dont play arcade u never be on 4 for a while tho its just how it is.

In short, there isn’t one.

It was a good-ish idea in principle but quickly became meaningless. Based on what they’ve mentioned, I doubt it will be in OW2. Or will be heavily reworked.

It’s a form of positive reinforcement.
Think about this way, you get rewarded with an endorsement from someone, the nice colorful notification flashes, and your brain get a kick of neurotransmitters like dopamine which make you feel good. The person likes the good feeling, and wants more of it, so he starts doing w/e he was doing to get rewarded again, so he can feel good again.


That is indeed what they hoped would happen. And it did, for a bit.

Sadly now it doesn’t have any impact or meaning unless you are new.

either that it doesnt matter the only thing u get after time is a lootbox tho but thats nothing

Exactly why people stopped caring.
The people who play the game, have everything. Loot boxes are only handy at events, but most have the credits to just buy everything.

This is why they will rework how stuff is distributed to players, and the monetisation of the game. (ie, end of loot boxes).

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Endorsements encourage people to be behaved in games, it gives people something to smile about when they level them up.


Is that why you started to behave?
Was it that simple?

Did you enjoy your “holiday”?

What holiday?
I’ve not been anywhere.

Or are you trolling when I asked a legit question.

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I hope you learned your lesson. :slight_smile:

Wait. I am confused. What are you on about?

Oh wait. You think I got banned? looool. Nah I’ve been posting every day as per normal. As you can see from my activity You ganging up again Gary to mass flag me hasn’t worked.

But has been noted as you harassing me again.

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Rod hasn’t been banned.
I on the other hand got a 2 week ”holiday” for a childish remark I did.

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Oh he was. :slightly_smiling_face:

Only person whos gonna be banned is you if you keep being passive agressive :woman_shrugging:


You for real? I haven’t been passive aggressive :slight_smile:

You have. And seems like you dont have anything else to do. How sad.

Aww Rod made a special friend. :slight_smile: I’m glad! Always nice to make new friends!

Im not friends with Rod. Neither with you. I just like to defend the people who arent in the wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

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