[EU] 1901 (highest) looking for others to get to gold or higher

hi im goat, im looking for other EU mid silvers, gold to play with because there are A LOT of leavers of people who dont give a F.

im looking for competitive people, 18+ and want to improve as a team who rarely ragequit.

  • im 24 years old,
  • from the netherlands
  • i’m 1743 SR right now and stuck in the same repetitive annoying cycle of people not communicating.
  • i stream so hopefully this isnt a problem.
  • i have discord (Goatmoon#9804)
  • competitive person
  • can play a lot

if you are stuck as well and want to improve to become gold, plat or higher add me on Discord :smiley:

hope to see you soon

ook nl hier.
main account is hoog goud laag platina.
Ik heb een 2e account (nog niet geranked).
je kan me toevoegen op battlenet als je wilt

hey im a teen looking to start a team to enter scrims nad rank up in comp and was wondering if u wanted to join I sent u a discord friend request if u want