EU coinflip problems and heroes beeing completly busted in high SR, but actually considered trolling in lower SR

Hi I just wanted to ask, if I am the only one seeing it this way. Over in NA you just have the “my team/their team had IDDQDS twin brother on hitscan we won/lost” coinflip, but over here in EU you have the voice coinflip aswell. For example people just throw their ultimates randomly around somewhere without any arrangement, like confetti at carnival, nor do most people speak with eachother AT ALL. So we have the IDDQD brother coinflip AND the voice coinflip, which (at almost season 30 and OW2 beeing on the horizon) not been talked about/taken action against once. The LFG tool is great and all, but I don’t want to look for germans in my case for 30+ minutes to then Q for almost the same time, to literally only play 1-2 games b4 the group disbands.

We have the option to play on NA for voice, yes, but this is imo trolling since I have 180+ ping and lag spikes, it’s like I’d play Mario Cart team cup and I am playing with a broken controller handicap where I can’t drift.

To the lower SR heroes (beeing bad/considered trolling), to beeing busted in high SR are Doom, Baptiste and Sombra.

In low SR (everything at/below masters) you can’t play Bap, cause everyone is running out of your lamp (1 ability already gone), spreading into different countries (right click healing gone) and your ult beeing completly useless, due to the lack of hitscans in this SR area (and if you have one not hitting anything most of the time anyway).

Doom requires you to not be a aimgod, but to have good understanding of the game/maps, how to escape and who to focus. The good thing about Doom is that he can just deletes 1 or both supports maybe even 1 dps aswell before biting the grass, which is easily a captured point on 2cp or a big %KOTH/cart push in HIGH SR. In low SR on the other hand, you literally have to kill the whole team 5-10 times withing 2 minutes to win a game basicially, or easier explained if you kill 1-3 people your team WILL NOT be able to capitalize on that 95% of the time.

And Sombra which I love the most, but beeing even worse than Baptiste in this SR area is just sad. Thanks to the “awesome” non excisting voice your ultimate is completly useless, your hacking (in general) is completly useless without voice (aswell as the healthpacks nobody uses), your passive where you see low targets is useless thanks to no voice again, which basicially leaves you only with your translocator (which can be destroyed).

This is MY OPINION , but I would like to hear YOUR thoughts about it :slight_smile:

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That’s also true for the enemy team.

You do not need voice in solo queue. You do not need specific team comps to be successful in solo queue. Just play your heroes to the best of your ability.

Coordination and such doesn’t matter until at least diamond (for tanks), or master (for DPS).

If you still think you need voice, maybe this can convince you to give it a try:


True and real. You know it, i know it, everyone knows it.

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Don’t worry about “climbing” unless you wanna spend 12+ hours a day grinding. If you actually want to enjoy yourself then I’d advise not worrying too much about your team. You can’t control them and a lot of the time they are actively trying to ruin your day. Focus on whatever it is you’re meant to be doing in the match, and aim on improving your own independence.

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Yeah… I think it’s just hilarious that 1/100 games are ACTUAL RANKED GAMES the other 99 are literally a Quickplay clown fiesta like torb junk on dps not swapping (enemy has pharah and/or echo stomping everything) and so on and so on. Then obvioulsy the voice coinflip where I only had my other support partner in (1 tank joines after the 3rd round though and said nothing Pog). I don’t know when/how whatever is even possible to do against esp. the language barrier, since I want to micro (which means I want to speak I want to make call outs like I slept the ulting Sigma kill him booooys tracer flanking since 1918 and farming the support ehhh help maybe??) and this just not possible on EU where you have 1/100 actual voice ranked games. The only solution we kinda have is to play on NA which is great, cause there’s a much much more likely chance that people speak with eachother right? Yes that’s true, but why in the holy hell am I kinda “forced” to play on a very bad ping with lag spikes that’s just so stupid. It’s like I would play fricking Mario Kart team cup and my drift button on my console is broken just plain stupid.

Edit: NVM forgot we can’t even play ranked on NA anymore as EU topkek.