EU Server Status

Considering the war in Ukraine and that many companies are closing down or even fleeing Europe due to restrictions or dangers, I would like to know if EU Overwatch Server is down right now.

Many people are complaining about server latency issues and lag spikes.

I noticed that my game connects me to various american servers instead of EU server (I am from Romania).

Now i came with 2 conclusions:

  • EU Server Maintanace Team either left their jobs or that are relocated in order to ensure safety


  • EU Server Maintanace Team is doing maintenance preparing for Overwatch 2

Please consider some transparency in your answer in order for people to understand if it is a short-period issue or if it ain’t gonna be resolved too soon.

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No. The 2 EU servers are in Amsterdam and Paris. They will be fine (for now).

Servers shouldn’t need changing for OW2. Google look after them.

Then why there is a lot of lag and people getting disconnected from their games?

so can somebody explain the situation about gew3 server? why it is so bad and how we can avoid it?

There are ways to block certain IP addresses (more info on the US forums somewhere, can do it in windows I think)

What’s the location of GEW3? I’ve had it a couple of times, but had no issues (other than higher ping).

the problem is about spikes of IND from 22ms up to 40ms…

That’s fine, you should be able to work round that. It happens when I’m on CDG and AMS too, but that’s more user end as there are others using my WiFi.

Why game connects me to a 300 ping lobby after every 3-4 matches?

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