"Every voice matters"

Huh. How about that. Banning players and casters for supporting the Hong Kong protestors doesn’t really seem like something you would do if you believed in that. The money you’re getting from the Chinese government must be pretty big to ruin your image just like that.

Sorry to the devs, I know you don’t have a say in Blizzards actions. I like Overwatch, but I can’t play it more knowing this is what the higher ups on blizzard thinks


HK should boycott all Blizzard products


Not even money from the Chinese government… It’s Tencent Holdings which has a meager 5% stake in Blizzard’s ownership. Really sketchy the things businesses do to have a slightly better quarter.

Blizzard 20 years ago, would have taken the complete opposite stance, evidence that even mountains turn to dust given enough time. Blizzard’s morality has completely eroded.

Previously this year it cancelled employee bonus compensation (CFO Compensation 12.5 million while simultaneously getting rid of 5-14k bonuses for the employees that actually develop the games., now it attacks its own players for free speech.

I mean the employee compensation part… literally screams

" We dont wanna produce anything good anymore, we’re just gonna repackage some Chinese crap game we bought for next to nothing. It’ll make money don’t worry."


Yea, I’ve been following game industry news for some time now. Still mad about the firing of 800 developers to save money the day after they say they had the best year in revenue.

It’s sad to see. I don’t personally like to play most of Blizzards games, but I always thought they where well made and of high quality.

Funny though that everyone is hating on blizzard even though he deadass just broke one of blizzard WRITTEN rules. No empathy for this one

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Still, they handled it very badly. They could have had a word with him in private after the interview, maybe a small fine, a proverbial slap on the wrist. But instead they ban him for an entire YEAR and withhold any winnings. This is not only over the top, it’s extremely insensitive of them given the current climate in HK where people are being shot and beaten in the streets just because they’re sick of nutcase China breathing down their necks.

TOS or not, Blizzard showed their colors and gamers won’t forget this. I’m not even from HK and this pisses me off because they have clearly sided with money and profit over humans and a clear fight for freedom.


Why do you mess political issues with games in the first place? If that guy wanted to support protestants he would be at Hong Kong streets not at comfortable chair playing video games. Blizzard did the right thing.


Well he’s already got more people’s attention and has more of us talking about the situation now than if he would have been on the streets in HK as just ‘some gamer’.


Blizzard trying to censor the lad has just made him a martyr, them doing this has given even more spotlight on the issues in Hong Kong.

Well done for shooting yourselves in the foot again Blizz!


Blizzard made it political when they banned the player for speaking his mind and excercising free speech

You cant blame regular folk for getting their hackles up over this massive injustice

This isnt about the games anymore because blizzard made it that way


Or maybe… Gasps
This is totally their genius plan to spread awareness and attention!

Guys, my favourite company of all time did it again. Go Blizzard! These skins from the virtual ticket are really cool I’m enjoying everything!

Found your problem, you have an inability to empathise.

Consider visiting a psychologist if this is a regular theme in your life.


Thats not fair…

I have ASD and thus am physically incapable of empathising

But i know right from wrong and morality… its not all about empathy

We should all. And make Mei the face of the protests (which some are already doing)


What about the two casters who got fired? What rule did they break, hm?


You know it’s funny that you’d go so low for your great cause. This just shows that this whole situation is just incredibly stupid. He is allowed to voice his opinions, he is allowed to have free rights and I truly believe that it’s a good cause. But not on a gaming event where rules are set to keep the event an actaul event instead of a riot


If someone saying Free Hong Kong makes a riot, then maybe that event was screwed up in the first place. Unless you’re dense & dumb enough to think escapism (ie videogames, in this case) isn’t inherently political.

Screw Blizzard for kowtowing to the CCP & J Allen Brack for his silence & utter void where leadership should be.

Also, ButtonSmash,…manslaughter is a crime but we have self defence laws for a reason…like, you can’t be that dense.


First you say I don’t have ability to empathise. Then you say I’m dense… Mate this is a Forum about overwatch. Not blizzard, not China or anything that isn’t Overwatch related. This is a Overwatch Forum. This debate could be anywhere, but it shouldn’t be here.

You’re just pulling so much crap outta nowhere your whole point will never come across as you want it to be. Calling someone Dense or anything negative is not gonna help your idea or cause you fight for.

I’m gonna end it here I’m not wasting anymore time on this issue. It’s stupid and a waste of time. Go debate on a different forum

That is indeed truly unfair if they fired two people for it. I do not agree with blizzard choice it’s incredibly sht but still this whole discussion if the pro player didn’t mix the political issue with a gaming event. even when it’s for awareness. Everybody knows about it already, it’s on global news

This was a message that had to be approved by moderators

FREE HONG KONG! boycottblizz

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as if paying 0% taxes in many western countries was not bad enough blizzard also has to commit a damn near treasonous act in siding with china in their culture war to seize control over western media!