Fix Pharmercy already

Emongg and Flats both confirmed that S76 is no counter for Pharah and that you NEED Sojourn, Widow or Ashe. Now enter Pharmercy -
this is just bs, it forces your whole team to switch to very specific heroes and try way too hard while Pharah with Mercy gets super easy value. This needs fixing way more than Hog oneshot or anything.

It’s the same for many hero picks. You just have to counter it/change the way you play. Emongg and Flats have got to do just that, they were probably just crying do generate content.

Sojourn and Mercy, or Ash and Mercy can both be as destructive as a Pharah Mercy when played properly - you just have to play as a team to counter them, and hope it works.

Sojourn Mercy is many times stronger than Pharmercy.

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depends on level of pharah echo and Mercy.
play diamond solo widow can kill It

in top 10 of EU there are 5 accounts of yzsna…

pub games are not contenders team based game.
its still sometimes chaotic mess