Fix this right now

this game isnt new its been 6 almost 7 years in the building
this is unforgivable that this big of a company does this

They have a hard time balancing classes out. WoW is like it at the moment, some classes doing way more damage then they should. Always been a bit of a problem tbh.

yeah its an embarasing practice Blizzard has running, simple fixes being postponed for months on end, their games arent brand new, this makes it a clear issue

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Ideally, the balance should be controlled by a third party group.
It’s clear Blizzard have no idea how to balance over the years.

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This has to be one of the worst suggestions I’ve heard.

It’s actually a worse idea than balancing around bronze players

That’s just your opinion. What do you propose then?
Clearly Blizzard can’t handle their balancing act.


WoW hasn’t been the same for some time (In PvP), it just seems to get worse every expansion. Killing someone in 2 GCDs is quite problematic. I play a DH, and they’re quite insane at the moment. Have been for some time now.

Easy. Don’t change who does it, continue with top down balancing. But react quicker when it is clear heroes or abilities are problematic.

Now I know why sometimes they are slow to do things (Sony…). But the process they go through is fine, the end results are sometimes an issue. But balance is just an opinion and not factual.

Right now, I think everyone knows that Hog and Sojourn need big changes, once that happens Orissa needs to be knocked back a little, and they then need to take a look at Mercy and how she interacts with others. Hopefully these things happen this week, but it’ll probably be next week.

Nice to see your opinion on this. That is also one of the worst suggestions I’ve heard.
It’s a much worse idea than balancing around bronze players, but that’s my opinion on your thoughts.

I don’t agree with the hog as I haven’t encountered him being that OP, but the other two, sure.

You think balancing for the highest ranks down is worse than balancing for bronze up?

That doesn’t surprise me you think that.

Orissa exists atm purely to end Hogs fun, hence why youre probably not seeing him. But he needs nerfing before or with Orissa.

I never said that at all, where did I say that?

Come on dude. You can’t forget that quickly lol.

I never stated this - Please show me the source to this. You’re previous quote does not state this. Hope you aren’t being dogmatic again.

You stated that very sentence first. Also, no where does it state “from Bronze up”, it just stated “Bronze”. Keep up lad.


It’s literally 2 post up.

Even the idea of balancing for bronze players is laughable. They think Moria is op.

Top down balancing is the only way to go, and that’s why they do it. Balancing around players that can actually maximise heroes, comps and combinations. I don’t want them balancing for players in my games, we are bad.

No where did I state “from bronze players up”. Neither did you.
I’ve just scrolled up and I can’t see it, and i can’t see it edited out.

Where are you seeing this?

Fair enough that you don’t want them balancing your games… it’s nice to know.

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Top down balancing is the best way to do it. So they should keep doing it.

Ok… that’s just your opinion.

Where did I ever state that they should go from bottom up?

It is indeed. And luckily an opinion shared by those that matter it seems.

balancing around bronze players is to balance from bronze up.

You are just trying to be clever now and it’s really not washing as it’s all there above.

You said it first, you’re just being dogmatic again.

Yep, which is where I found your quote from.

No, you clearly said what you said.

I doubt you’re trolling, you just take everything so literally you can’t see past the specific wording to figure out what that implied.

Balancing for bronze players is to balance bottom up. That is a very bad idea.