Fix your game please

I can fix this game with 3 steps

1.Remove echo from game or nerf it so much.

2.Nerf pharah little bit

3.Nerf tracer also

If a support guy is reading this please fix this game i want to play the game that i paid 30€ for. Thank you!


Jesus. You are a new account too.

If you paid 30 for it now, they will be laughing at you.

might as well give all heroes wooden sticks by your logic.

Do yourself a favour and don’t take this game seriously. Honestly, when you realise just how casual this game is you’ll have more fun with it. It’s just fundamentally flawed and always will be for the simple reason that it’s incredibly difficult to get random people to work/play together for a common goal. Inevitability you’ll win some, and you’ll lose some. There’s really nothing competitive about it.

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