Fix your game please

Please make a reputation system that mean something. Like in NARAKA. Where it have consequences when you leave a game and so on.

Please fix your ranking system. Why is it when you buy a new game you start at gold. yes there are placements but you are still ranked high from beginning.
You should start at low Bronze so you have to work your way up and earn your higher placement. Not mixed with higher ranked players from start.

Regarding placements when season starts they are kind of pointless you start where you left last season anyways… you just cant see your ranking the first 5 matches so why are they there. Remake it or dump it totally in my opinion.
I like hearthstones system better.

Also i think your matchmaking system is outdated.
Make a system that would get rid of all the smurfs and more detailed instead of the simple system it is now. Where your contribution to the match both take account for indvidual effort and team play…

Just my two cents…

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You start anywhere from 1700 to 3150, depending on what you’ve done in the leveling process.

Also, the first 10 or so games have heavy SR adjustments.

Just watch Yeatle do the Monkey unranked to GM video. In 8 (inc placements) games he’d gone from gold to Master. Gold being his first placement match, placed in Diamond and was in master after his 8th win.

The ranking system isn’t the issue.

Even a new player shouldn’t start with bronze. They should be with better players to help them learn. Shame this community is a little too selfish to want to help each other.

Smurfs… I want to laugh. But I won’t. There isn’t that many smurfs, quite a few alts though.

this game is dead anyway. I constantly get unrated players, low level players in my teams… the teams are oftentimes completely out of whack balance-wise. I think the playerbase is deteriorating rapidly.


Constantly getting low level players.

That would suggest the opposite of dead, that would suggest there is a good flow of new players and existing players buying new accounts.

Seems like the opposite of “dead”

The over-all player base is decreasing. But the game is over 5 years old… What do you expect. But it is still pretty healthy. To the point where the licencing, merch and loot box sales mean they can take time with OW2.

considering all of the low level accounts either act like GMs or literal bots… no… there are no “New players” just old ones smurfing, and farmers growing accounts to sell to more smurfs

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This does happen. But it isn’t what most new accounts are.

But you have your negative agenda.

in my last game where I couldn’t resist Alt+F4, 2 low level bronzeborder accounts weren’t accomplishing anything… And matches like that start to take over and killing all the little fun thats left.

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Sounds bad. Also sounds a lot like negative reinforcement.

A bad game will always live longer in the mind than a good one.

i feel your pain my dude… every time i see a sub 100 lvl account with a PfP of tracer or genji it makes my heart sink because i know its a smurf who won’t allow anyone else to have any fun

This coming from a level 47 account…

i have EXP penalty because i don’t stick around in unwinnable matches

also, i don’t play genji, tracer, widow or hanzo… so im not a smurf


Always an excuse for disruptive gameplay.

Hero pick = smurf… now that is a new one.

there are no rules stating you’re not allowed to leave QP matches my friend

yep, if its one of those four heros, and they are performing way in excess of their rank


Because you know how each rank should play…

(if you knew that, you’d adjust your play and win games easily).

i know that gold ranked genji’s can’t delete 600 HP heros in 0.3 micro seconds, smurfs can

i know that gold ranked tracers can’t one clip half your backline before escaping without a scratch

Lol no one can’t

tilted over exaggeration doesn’t really support your argument.

If any Genji is getting quick kills, it is because the people he is killing are playing badly. Genji is a pretty weak DPS right now.

Gold ranked? I just did that on attack to get back to gold… lol

Here - 8AY16Q

no it means he is a smurf, and is at a rank he shouldn’t be at

except if its a smurf using him in a rank he shouldn’t be at

It really doesn’t, but it is hilarious that you think that.

But that would be the same for Mei, or Mercy, or Moira. The hero is irrelevant.

But they still probably wouldn’t be a smurf and even if they were, you would have almost zero chance of being able to prove it.

nope, those four heros are the only ones who can “Carry” in overwatch without team coordination hence why they are so popular with smurfs

only ones… sure.

You really do show how little you understand this game with comments like that.

They are popular in all ranks, because they require skill, are rewarding and fun to play.