Flex queue rewards need to be increased to combat queue times

I dont think 100/500 battlepass xp is enough to encourage enough players to queue for flex.

I think adding couple of Overwatch Coins for every flex game you finish would certainly help. The first step could be giving 1/5 coins for flex quick/comp and see if it has any effect.

There is occasionally a challenge to play flex in the weekly challenges. Those give you credits. So that technically already a thing

That isn’t the case anymore, so revisiting this could have value.

Or they could make the tank experience actually worth playing so people que it

Idk, i had a pretty good time yesterday playing tank, 9 wins in a row on really even matches.

At most i swapped twice in a match until i found a pick that could stand up to the enemy but wasn’t an outright counter. I haven’t played role queue for an entire season now after the damage passive.
Still very satisfying to soak up an earthshatter as zarya i have to say, and i stiil feel dumb when i get my grav eaten by a sigma.

But also, managing to combine a wheel and a grav perfectly without voice chat. That’s something special. We got a 4k with that junkrat.

HAHAHAH good one.
That would be even harder than them giving 5 coins per week to people who flex.

And they are definitely not giving “free” money.