Fonts used in Overwatch?

I’m just curious what kind of fonts Overwatch uses, I know few of them, but I just can’t catch some of them.

Fonts that Overwatch uses I know: BigNoodleTooObligue (Loading, map name, hero name - Main Menu), Futura No2 Demi (TIP:)

Fonts which I don’t know their names: When Chatting, Under the TIP:,
Chat (Enter), Leave Match, Options, Community, etc. (Only when In-Game - not the main menu).

Closest font to “Under the TIP:” Rajdhani Semi-Bold

I could be wrong here but the chat font looks like some form of Helvetica. Might be worth a check!


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Did you figure it out?

A Swiss font?
(yeah yeah, I’ll see myself out). :grin:

Can we sue other game if they use the same font as overwatch?