Forced 50% winrate is so obvious

You might have a point when it comes to supports. I played one game in mid - high diamond as support and even though it was a good game with a good team in general it still was way more enjoyable then my usual high plat games as support. If you are hardstuck as support you should probably search for a dps duo so you can have a higher impact.

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try opposite - for next 10 matches do nothing, just stand and shoot, make your stats decrease drastically. systems response will be - for the next few matches you’ll get much better teammates and weaker enemies. tried it myself 85349867459867 times.


Hahahahaha this is just BS.

The system doesn’t look at that. In ranked it just looks at the SR number (unless you place at 3900, then its mmr till things settle).

In QP your hidden MMR.

If you think “the system” is working against you, you are just deluded.

Tonight I’ve gone 3-6… 33% Win rate. Was that because of the system… NO!! I just played like garbage tonight. And its on me to improve.

But that doesn’t prove anything. It just shows that you aren’t good enough to make a difference and that your impact doesn’t matter.


People coming on the forums stating that the system is whats keeping them down are utterly hilarious.

I struggle to climb on support. The reason?? Because I’m rubbish. Nothing more.

and somehow I am still at 49.632% win/loss ratio by contributing nothing…
just looked at your acc, your win/loss ratio is 48.475%…


Coincidence does not mean the system forces it.

If every match is balanced… you will have a 50/50 chance of winning.

So win rate around 50% are expected. Its not some conspiracy, just statistical logic.

I have a 95% win rate on zarya this season…

Lmao I haven’t played actively this season so that doesn’t show anything. I could look up my winrates from different seasons and post them here if you are interested.

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I think I posted your total score. would short runs prove anything?

why you worried about other people’s win rates. What you’ve done is a really weird form of stalking lol

If you’re unable to figure out that in a match making system that trys to pit similar skill level people together so you have, in theory, a 50/50 chance to win… and that might lead to everyone’s win rate being about 50%… then I feel sorry for you.

(Obviously I am ignoring the donkies that derank and all that, just basic assumption that everyone in the game is playing normally)

Yea no you didn’t post my total stats because there is no way for you to know them.

ok so what you’re basically saying is that Blizzard is involved in this as a partisan actor and makes YOU lose so that other people that Blizzard loves and adores can win and grab your precious SR, right? What do you think your winrate should be when you’re playing at your sr level against equally skilled opponents?

Anyone who thinks there is some sort of conspiracy about win rates is a tool.

The matchmaker can’t possibly know if you are or the enemy are about to have a bad game, or make silly mistakes. Just like it can’t possibly know if someone is about to pop off and carry.

If just matches people based on basic numbers. If someone has manipulated those numbers, the matchmaker won’t know. So it is just doing its job.

My win rate this season is 48%… because I am not playing well enough. Not because someone/something is conspiring against me.

I don’t know whose tool they are but damn sure they are stupid af.

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No That’s pretty much the opposite of what I am saying.

yea no doubt, especially those with 80+% winrate LOL

Nope, doesn’t take a genius. The reason it’s dismissed as a hoax because laypeople think it’s a very hard to do while. As a big data engineer I can tell you it’s extremely easy to arrange just by collecting two variables about your gameplay and Blizz collects thousands of those.
The very simplified version of how it could be done is match your team with whose who main your team’s contra picks. Blizz already shows you your favorite characters - you should take it as a hint at the very least.

PS: I don’t see any climbing to GM in one sitting videos sinse 2018 is when they introduced this new MM.


Yeah… It is just a conspiracy theory.

This is not how the match maker works. Not matter how you try to justify it in your own mind.

Also, if you watch the streamers doing that… the amount of stream snipers killing games is surprisingly high which is why it gets slower.

It might as well be a conspiracy but it’s supported by most of the major OW players. Surprisingly most competent players with sky high ratings don’t even try to deny it (I expected things like get gud, but that’s what you hear from bronze/silver players mostly, gms and above say it’s totally a thing)


Just because people believe in a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it is right…

Just look at all the people that still think 9/11 was an inside job lol.

Personally (and I think most people agree), the “git gud” meme is infuriating and people who say it need a slap. But I think that is more a delivery thing and a content thing…

It comes from a good place, just said by people with little care. But if you focus on improving your mechanics, cool down management, call outs and other comms, and probably the most important… awareness. You will slowly climb.

Initially it is a painful grind, as it will mean changing a lot of habits, but it is worth it.

Maybe watch games that your mate plays, and see what he is doing differently to you.

Also, learning to ult track will help you more than you know. Even if you only predict 1 or 2 ults a game to start with, knowing they are about to hit, means you can position/ be ready to counter accordingly.

The one example I have is an Illios game where the round was back and forth, I knew there Sombra would have EMP… So when we lost a fight I swapped immediately to Brig. As we walked towards the point, BOOM, Sombra unclocked to EMP and I immediately stunned and cancelled it. We won the fight, and while my team re took the point, I went back and swapped back on to Ana.

Yes I got massively fortunate that the Sombra dropped right into my lap… But I knew it was coming, and knew I had one chance to stop it.

Being able to predict what your enemy is going to do (as well as your team mates if they are not communicating) is a really handy skill to have.