Forced and rigged blizzard matchmaking 50/50

102 games played by a thrower, illegal program user(cheats) to run a character and farm wins for a ready to go ranked and account for sale on the internet.

53 games ruined for 212+ players 0 kills and 48%. winrate, not banned. Blizzard rigged matchmaking working as intented. No matter what you do, you are kept at around 50% winrate.


Sadly, noone cares.

Incoming damage control :sheep: to deny this.

Game is overrun by cheaters, account farmers, rigged matchmaking, forced win/loss.

What a “NICE” game.

“thank you blizzard” :-1: :-1: :-1:


Well said my friend…

:pouting_cat: :-1:

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In a decent game I was expeting a dude with a maximum of 88 dmg to have something like 10% winrate.

Yet people still think that matches are not rigged.

RIP (Rot in Pieces) OW

When you’re on a winningstreak, you know a losingstreak is soon coming. I rarely get balanced games and NEVER a few in a row. It’s usually stomp or get stomped.

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I would say this is possible a pro player proving that Tracer main value comes from distraction and not doing dmg.

But I would need replay codes to confirm that.

Meanwhile is quite interesting, I wanna test that, seeing if I can get 50% win rate throwing all games. I’ll may make a video for that.

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its not pro but account sellers running bots in games and farm 50 wins for “ready to go ranked” account online to sell.

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I would love that to be true but those stats aren’t enought. We need a replay code or a video if we really want to prove your point.

Dude has only 4 deaths in 102 games? Why no one is able to kill a bot?

He also has a decent objective time with a record of 3:30 mins objective time in a single game, which means he was not camped at spawn.

With those stats it can be possible someone challenging himself playing Tracer as distractor only without doing DPS.

If you’re saying the truth just share the replay code so we can shut everyone else mouth.

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another troll blocked. go troll someon else.

Wtf dude? I only asked to see the replay.
I really want to believe you, it should be no problem to share the replay.

Also, is it possible to block someone in the forums?

there is nothing what to prove. You can test yourself on new account. You will get around 50% winrate after 100 games.

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I’ll may try that. Finally a reason to return to OW after few weeks.


He has no point. But a profile picture showing he’s not that good on tracer isn’t proof of anything other than he’s played a lot of tracer.

As you’ll have seen, if you even hint at disagreeing you’re a “troll” or a “shill” despite being completely right.

That proves it isn’t rigged. It proves your ability on that hero hasn’t significantly improved and it also proves that match making is working as you’re playing people around your skill level and this aren’t being beaten a lot and aren’t carrying lots of games.

What you’ve proven is that the game and it’s systems function fine.

If someone is able to have 50% winrate in 102 games with a total of 0 elims and an avg of 80 dmg per game, well that very suspicious.

How the hell someone completely useless (dps with 0 elims in 102 games) can win half of their games? If it’s the case, it’s clear that matchmaking is doing something to help that player, so everyone can be happy by having 50% winrate.

Meanwhile I find those stats surprising. Only 4 deaths on those 102 games? No one is able to kill a bot? An avg of 1m objective time?

Another possibility is that bro bought that rank ready account, who the hell puts a public profile in a new account. I’m sure he is using cheats on that account.

On a normal person’s account yes.

Sadly the op isn’t a normal player, as their YouTube channel (karma) shows.

Often duod with an account of the same name. One doing very little or playing mercy the other being “normal”. The dude is a cheater as he minmaxes and has someone boosting their account.

Don’t trust them. Every chance the picture isn’t real. Especially if the codes arent provided.

Every game they lose, it’s rigged. Any time someone kills them, cheater. The classic.

I could tell you a lot of unpleasant things, explain how exactly the game manipulates your time and efforts. Because I have a lot of experience observing the work of matchmaking and I am a game developer myself.
But I’m tired of trying to open people’s eyes on this forum, they can literally play the most rigged match and not see any patterns right in front of their eyes, instead they will blame themselves or their teammates. But it’s not your teammates’ fault that matchmaking decides for you who will win and who will stand next in the losers’ queue.
It’s not necessarily a 50% win rate, old accounts may have a lower win rate, you’ll be in the losers’ queue so that new accounts can have a good winrate.

Recently, with some help from chatgpt, I wrote a code that, in my opinion, replicates the work of a biased and rigged player selection algorithm in a simplified version in order to minimize the human factor and create a forced victory or defeat.
I used virtual models and machine learning. Everything worked exclusively on the algorithm, without the participation of real players, as I said, this is a simplified version, but imagine what you can do with millions of dollars and a bunch of programmers.

Having studied the matchmaking patents used in overwatch 2 (eomm), as well as having read hundreds of posts on forums, having watched dozens of videos about the work of matchmaking and its manipulation, as well as my own observations in the game. I finally decided everything for myself.
But if you can’t play, knowing that the game is rigged, don’t play.
I continue to tolerate it only because of the gameplay. Toxic relationships are like that.

Don’t waste your time on the forum and don’t bring up this topic anymore.
Honest and critically thinking people who don’t want to be deceived are not liked here.
You may be neither the first nor the second, but at least you raise the right question. People should never tolerate and remain silent if they don’t like something or find it strange. But you have to understand that such people are called “whiners” and are hated. Because no one wants to know truth, because truth often brings negativity that people are afraid of.

The player from the screenshot may be a bot, some people launch a bot in online games to farm some resources or to fill up time on the account. Otherwise, I don’t understand what’s the point of ruining games for such a long time. Such people usually quickly lose interest if they don’t get punished.

p.s.s. What’s even more surprising is how he has a 48% win rate. But you already understand everything yourself.


Is overwatch rigged no.

Is marvel rivals rigged… in casual yes. (They literally use bots to give you free wins if you lose too often)

That’s all you needed to say.