Fps stutters making game unplayable

somewhere around season 7-9 i started getting huge fps stutters. id be playing with a normal 130 fps then it drops all the way to 30 and back up. i have tried so many things and its just completely unplayable at this point. please help me out. here are the files you usually ask for:

MSInfo23: MSInfo23 - Pastebin.com
DxDiag:DxDiag - Pastebin.com

Do you have any other applications running at the same time?

I have similar problems when I have a couple of programs open in the background.

not all applications are harmful to your framerates. it depends on usage. a good way to check is by opening task manager and seeing the high intensity games, when i had this issue i closed disocrd (some might require you to shut it down in system tray like discord), spotify and a bunch of others

True. Which is why I asked if, just in case.