Free to play ruined overwatch

free to play ruined the game smurf accounts everywere bans dont matter cause they make a new account i played just 4 games today and i had 2 leavers and a thrower all smurfs reporting them does nothing whoever came up with the thought of making it free should be fired


I don’t have this problem, maybe you just play not so good, so you think everyone is a smurf? This happens all the time in any game, new player comes and thinks everyone is cheater

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Smurf accounts are problematic and should be dealt with. But I agree, it’s not a big issue, certainly no worse than OW1.

Making the game f2p was the best decision they could of made.

I agree. As somebody who is unable to make purchases often, I am a player of ftp games. By making it paid it essentially gatekeeps the game from financially challenged people, and the financially enabled players who want to spend money on OW have the opportunity by purchasing skins.
Yes there are smurfs, but if caught they can often recieve a hardware ban.
Another thing, it can be hard to be sure if a player is a smurf with little prior knowledge, many highly skilled players may migrate from one game to another thus they dont need to grind to a high spot, and they are temporary, additionally people who have new accounts for a genuine reason like forgetting the password exist, or players who have not played comp in a while being ranked low. Honest people placed in lobbies well below their skill level will quickly rise out of it. Trust me
Also some people are just naturally gifted even in OW is their first game.

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Are you kidding me? Are you even reading what you’re typing, buddy?

Smurfs is a much MUCH bigger issue than in OW1 because of how easy it is to make new accounts after the game went F2P. Doesn’t require rocket science to figure that out, just plain old logic.

It was the worst decision they have ever made, next to scrapping PVE.


Indeed. I stand by what I said.

The game might be free, but there are more hurdles to cross for new accounts. Nothing is ever truly free after all. It’s been awhile since I saw an actual smurf account. Plenty of alts though.

Was never bothered about pve, not what I played ow for.

But F2P is the smart move for any online PvP game. You need bums on seats. Barriers to entry are just unnecessary.

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why is f2p bad? I don’t feel anything bad about it

the only reason we play is because there are people to play with, if there are more people it’s only better. You even can play with your feet there are heroes for it

It’s an open invitation to cheaters first of all, and it also enable smurfs to smurf even harder.


There are zero hurdles to make a new account besides needing to have an unused phone number which is super easy to get a hold of…

Nah, it’s never a good idea, especially for FPS titles because as i’ve said before, it is an open invitation to cheaters and it enable smurfs to smurf harder.


It is the best idea for business.

As for cheaters. They could have made the game $100. Cheaters would still come. If their is a big enough “competitive” scene, cheaters will come. Because they suck, and think the world owes them something.

But, that is why games have systems in place to take action.

But F2P is the only way to go in this current age of online gaming if you want a large player base.

Don’t you have like, several accounts though. :tipping_hand_man:



But having another account isn’t smurfing. Smurfing is a specific thing.

Pretty sure it is smurfing.


That is where you would be wrong.

Smurfing is “creating a new account to play against lower-ranked players”.

All my accounts are pretty much the same MMR. Except the newest one, but I’ve only played 5 QP games on it so it isn’t calibrated yet.

But you do play low accounts when you begin on a fresh new account. So it’s smurfing.


It isn’t, as you need to actively make the account low. A new account with a normal player will just be playing the game.

But, you call it what you need to. You are on an alt account here too.

? This is my main and only account.

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Blizzard ruined overwatch


Did they. Or did you just grow out of it?

With the release of OW2 and the game being F2P, they objectively ruined Overwatch.

Proof of that has been littering the internet since OW2’s release.

A massive increase in smurfs and cheaters, not to mention throwers and leavers etc.

Going from 6v6 to 5v5, new matchmaking tweaks that made solo queueing a nightmare. Stripping the game down, removing features that were popular, such as post match voting etc.