Game chrash since new patch

My game keeps crashing whilst playing the game its like pressing alt+f4 it just shuts down. Using AMD graphics card 7900xtx. Only played quickplay so far don’t want to get crashes in comp

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same issue … since new patch my game crushes sometimes to a point I get blue screen and pc completely freezes … this never happened to me … win 10 … AMD CPU and GeForce 1660 super … unplayable today :frowning:

Hey there, if your game is crashing currently double check you’ve done the steps from here. Including the advanced ones on the drop down section.

If the crashes continue after that you can report this further by ticket and provide your system report files.

My game too, I’m from switch, same exact thing middle of game just closes everything

I have opened a ticket 3 days ago the game master responded that he needs my new email to recover my account and now i have provided him the new email but he is not responding its literally 1 step to get my account back the issue id is EU93364882 please can some support assisstant get a game master to respond to me. Thank you!