Game is borderline unplayable

Starting about 3 months ago I started loosing at least 1 game per session due to level 25 players who never miss shots and who play way above their rank. It just became a fact of life, and I and my buddies just had to accept it and carry on.

But lately, and in particular tonight, the game has been unplayable. we get these level 25 “smurfs” every other game, sometimes more than one on the same team, and on the off chance we don’t, we get people using aimbots which are extremely obvious thanks to the killcam showing them snapping 90 or 180 degrees to my and others’ characters, sometimes through walls. Tonight my last 2 games were both losses, because the first had an aimbotting bastion (I can prove it by posting the replay share link: TH24TK) and the second one we went against a team with not one but two level 25 pros.

This has been a problem for a long time but it’s getting worse and worse. We will have to quit the game soon if this keeps going because we just can’t play. Reporting does nothing, as per Blizzard policy, smurfing is not only legal, but encouraged, seeing as Jeff Kaplan himself often showcases smurfs on his streams.
Cheaters are also not getting punished for even though everyone in those games can obviously tell those people are cheating, i seldom receive notifications about my reports lading to action against players (once per month if I’m lucky).

I am at a loss at what I should do. Me and my friends can no longer play the game as long as these problems persist.

Let me know if you want a replay share code for the double smurf game, and you can check for yourself.

EDIT: Replay share code for the double smurf match: 0EDP3E. Doomfist and McCree.

The bastion wasnt aimbotting at all. His aim was average and borderline mediocre when it comes to tracking something else than tanks. I’m actually scared to see that this is the kind of players i could get on my team in Diamond to be honest ( especially on your team ). Felt like you guys had no idea of what you were doing and you were yeeting your ults everywhere and winning only when you had the 6 of them. I don’t know if you thought that Bastion had an aimbot because he had “Hack” in his name but he doesnt, also their mercy was feeding so hard it was painful. For me this bastion just has a pretty high sens that actually makes him innacurate sometime. ( I actually bothered to watch the entire replays btw ).

Now for the second game, first congrats to your lucio for feeding even more than the mercy from last game.

The mcree had a decent aim but even then the lucio ruined his aim despite wall riding in a pretty predictable manner. Also he is not a pro at all he literally highnooned in front of your spawn during first round out of pure cockyness ( ironically it almost worked ).

The Doomfist/Genji/Tracer actually had good aim on Tracer specifically but the rest was average. Just like cree he died in front of your spawn and managed to get 1-2 picks while doing so. (Also what were you expecting when you had zarya/hog or zarya/dva as tanks ? )
On genji tho he was shaky as hell his blades werent smooth at all and his shurikens accuracy was meh.

For me his 30 seconds of Tracer was actually the biggest highlights, seems like he is much better with hitscan aiming than projectile for sure.

You can blame the game/matchmaking/non existant cheaters/smurfs that are not really smurfs but just people who are in the rank they belong/ but from what I’ve seen those matches were just 6 brainless sheeps getting slaughtered because they had no idea of what they were doing ESPECIALLY on Havana offense. I meann the positioning mistakes were absolutely insane. ( shout out to the pharrah who failed to solo ult a bastion in a closed area ).

I mean i’m sorry if i sound disrespectful but, the only problems were you and your team. Your comp made no sense and you were just throwing 6 ults into gravs despite the tracer already bombing it ?

So yea, those people were not smurfs at all just new players who kinda knew what they were doing and i mean how the hell did you think that the bastion is aimbotting ?

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Like I said in the OP, There are several points in the match where the bastion snaps to players through walls and during fights. I’ll post a few timestamps later. I remember one about 12:40 IIRC when bastion ults, rocket jumps and instantly snaps to pharah midair. The only reason he doesn’t insta-kill her is becaus tank shots aren’t hitscan. There’s many other moments when this happens.

And no, those players in the second game clearly aren’t in the rank they belong in (high plat). A normal player doesn’t get to be that good with character mechanics like tracer and doomfist or whatever by level 25. Stop defending these practices.

Although fun detail about the baston’s name. Didn’t notice that lol.

Smurfs will be a big problem for a little while again because they smartly had a sale on accounts at the same time as a double xp even.

Lots of cheap, quickly leveled accounts.

Blizzard do not care about peoples game playing experience. As long as people keep buying accounts they have no reason to change anything.

Even when pro players and high level streamers are asking for changes, they dont listen.

Dear me, how can you stop people buying new copies of the game, tie it to their DNA?
If players are daft enough to part with the £ for the short time they are in Bronze, Silver etc who cares.
I for one have learned a lot from being with and against “smurf” accounts.
Yes it feels bad being stomped but the bottom line is if your good enough you will need to be at that level anyway, think of it as a sneak preview of whats to come if you climb.

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Well done you.

But most people are casual players, and would rather just have fun, close, competitive games. I am not really worried about how good or bad I am at a game. I am playing with friends, and enjoying playing. That is all I care about.

So, if you do anything to ruin the fun of the game, you deserve a slap.

Most players want that, but sadly, never gonna happen, in any game, ever.

Yes you could IP lock accounts, yes you could MAC lock accounts, but players will always find a way to circumvent it.

I dont think Smurfing will ever be defeated entirely,

I would like to see the system just needs to pick them up early and place them at their correct level, maybe even stopping de-ranking like in hearthstone, so they cant drop on purpose.

You can’t defeat it. That is true.

It ruins games, but that is all I will complain about because what can you do.

They should SMS link each account. Won’t stop people that want to, but will reduce the numbers a bit.

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