General Error 0XE00101B0

Whenever I try to start Overwatch, I get the ‘General Error 0xe00101b0’ message. This was previously fixed by scanning and repairing the game files and updating my NVIDIA GeForce driver, but now nothing works. I cannot roll back my driver to a previous update for some reason, and even after uninstalling both Overwatch and Battlenet, then reinstalling, and clearing the cache by deleting the Battlenet and Overwatch folders, it won’t boot up. I’ve also tried Run as Administrator, which works once then stops. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

Try updating your anti-virus software.

I had that general error ever since the start of the season, the game refuced to start at all unless i started it immediately after a computer restart with most of the background programs still starting.

My anti-virus recently got an update released, and now the game works fine.

Try updating the rest of your drivers if the anti-virus thing doesn’t work.

Thanks so much! Hadn’t thought of anti-virus. An uninstall and reinstall helped.

I’m very happy to hear that.