Getting an 8 hr suspension in quickplay

My daughter left a quick play, unranked match, due to outside of game circumstances, and she was penalized with a 6hr suspension. Really Blizzard?? Fix your S$#@. This gestapo crap shouldn’t be applied to unranked/non comp play. It’s little stuff like that drive people away from a fun game. Don’t become a dead game.

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You only get a leaver penalty if you leave more than 4 games out of the last 20 that have been played.

It should start around 5 mins and grows with every new midgame leave.

6 hours sound to me that she isn’t finishing her matches at all. And if you leave half of your games midway through, why queue at all?

If they’re unintentional leaves, sure it’s unfair. But when intentional, the leaver is ruining the match for the other 9 people and the extras that have to backfill.

If she is likely to leave games midway through, she can always play arcade modes where leaver penalties don’t exist.

(You get rid of the leaver penalty counter after you finish 20 games)

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